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马策在一篇随笔中写到。Ma wrote in an essay.

又是作文题?An essay question again?

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你要哪一边?写一篇论文。Write an essay about it.

个人论述是关于什么的?What was the essay about?

他的论文尚需润饰。His essay needs polishing.

这篇文章还得顺一顺。This essay needs polishing.

这篇散文不合标准。The essay is below the mark.

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你应该试做这项工作。You ought to essay this task.

作文是八股文。Composition, eight-part essay.

她的文章比其他人的都好。Her essay topped all the rest.

缴交第一篇短论的提案。Proposals due for first essay.

缴交第三篇短论的提案。Proposals for third essay due.

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文章写得很简洁。The essay was pithily written.

好的,就写到这儿。再见!OK, here ends my essay. Byebye!

缴交第二篇短论的提案。Proposals due for second essay.

蔡的小书是娱乐性的。Chua’s essay is an entertainment.

但蔡的小书伴随警告一起到来。But her essay comes with a warning.

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这是全文的核心所在。This part is the kernal of the essay.

一个学生晚交了一篇散文。A student is late handing in an essay.

我借助她的帮助完成了这篇文章。I finished the essay through her help.