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TCO的第一宗罪是它未能捕捉无形价值。The first problem with TCO is that it fails to capture intangible value.

打个比方,与起亚比较起来,法拉利拥有一堆的TCO缺点。To use an analogy, a Ferrari has a massive TCO disadvantage compared to a Kia.

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目前最新的标签是TCO'05,适用于桌上型计算机和笔记本。The latest label from TCO is the TCO'05 Displays, for Desktop and Notebook computers.

因此我们对TCO的合理估计是12,400,000,在36个月的期限内。Therefore, our conservative estimate for the TCO is 12,400,000 over a thirty-six month period.

关注于如何降低变更的成本和减少总开销可能会给这个行业的未来带来转机。Focus on how to decrease the cost of change and low TCO can create a future shift in this industry.

并以提升透明导电膜的导电率及穿透率的方式将太阳能电池的制程最佳化。The optimum of solar cell fabrication would achieved by improving TCO transparence and conductivity.

目的了解海口地区甲状腺机能亢进患者核素甲状腺显像的特点。Objective To investigate the radionuclide 99m TcO 4 imaging parameters of thyroid in hyperthyroid patients.

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TCO雇员联合会的安-玛丽·普拉特表示,她会和她的丈夫共享产假。Ann-Marie Prhat of the TCO employee federation said she had been determined to share the parental leave with her husband.

对于较高温度下制备的TCO薄膜,对载流子迁移率起主要作用的散射机制是带电离子散射和电中性复合粒子散射。In TCO films deposited on high temperature substrates, the ionized impurity scattering and the neutral complex scattering are dominant.

TCO并没有贩卖视窗操作系统,事实是但你的CEO会一脚把你踢开,如果他/她找不到Outlook或者微软Word之类的东西的话。TCO doesn’t sell Windows, the fact that your CEO would kick you to the curb if he or she couldn’t find Outlook and MS Word likely does.

我们主要把精力集中在多种TCO的涂层工艺上和生产规模的设备将会在这种关系中得到充分应用上。In particular our focus on a variety of TCO coating processes and production scale-up equipment is being fully utilized in this relationship.

微软在若干年前发动了一场广告运动,兜售在桌面上运行其自身软件相对于免费的Linux类软件在TCO方面的节省。Microsoft ran an ad campaign several years ago touting the TCO savings between running its software versus a free Linux variant on the desktop.

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简述了红麻原料制膜特性,纸页的光学性质及透明机理,探讨了红麻地膜透明性能改善的途径和方法及透明剂的选择。This paper specially describes the transparent conducting mechanism and the latest researching progress in preparation methods of TCO thin films.

之后送检痰液及皮肤皆培养出结核菌,因此诊断为皮肤开口处结核,并且投与抗结核药物治疗。Culture of biopsied skin and sputum yielded colonies of M. tuberculosis complex. TCO was diagnosed and the patient was treated with anti-TB drugs.

该研究的目的在于比较节约成本,这些成本通过更好的开发者效率得以节省,从而大大缩减TCO。The goal of the study is to compare the cost savings that can be achieved through greater developer productivity resulting in significantly reduced TCO.

关注于TCO会令你偏向起亚这一类,但总有些时候法拉利的无形价值超越了TCO方面的劣势的。Focusing on TCO biases you toward the Kia end of the spectrum, and like life, there are times where the intangible benefits of the Ferrari outweigh the TCO disadvantage.

阐述用磁控溅射技术制备综合性能优良的ZAO透明导电薄膜及其靶材的发展现状和趋势。Microstructure, conductive mechanism and transparent mechanism of ZAO thin films are emphatically described after introducing basic property of TCO and existent problems in detail.

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它们都做一样的事情,把你从A点带到B点,起亚被宣布是TCO的胜出者,但起亚未能捕获法拉利所具备的无形价值。They both do the same job of taking you from point A to point B, and the Kia is the TCO winner hands down, but TCO has failed to capture the intangible value that comes from a Ferrari.

先进的锂电池仍然十分昂贵,除非它们大幅度降价或者石油价格大幅度上升,否则充电式汽车还是无法与普通汽车有很强的竞争力。The advanced lithium-ion battery packs are still costly, and until they fall significantly or the cost of gasoline jumps – the TCO for plug-ins will not compare favorably with conventional cars.