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大流士说,看到了?Darius said, See that?

达利斯和约翰特尔有很多共同之处。Darius and Johntel have a lot in common.

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于是大流士王立这禁令,加盖玉玺。So King Darius put the decree in writing.

作为队长,达利斯主动请缨去罚球。As team captain, Darius volunteered to take the shots.

大流士一世当政时,琐罗亚斯德教定为国教。Darius I, when in power, Zoroastrian as the state religion.

达利斯的体积比之前所纪录者都要大。Darius is bigger than all the previous record holding rabbits.

这时的但以理,已是朝廷宰相,仅在大利乌王一人之下。This man was Number One in the government next to King Darius.

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Darius很快失去了一切,除了“逃犯”,一无所有。Darius quickly lost everything and became nothing but a fugitive.

最佳摄影给达利厄斯·孔济的黑银色的阴影世界?Best cinematography for Darius Khondji's silver-black shadowworld?

士马特斯和他的军队被大流士一世领导下的波斯打败。Smerdis and his forces were defeated by the Persians under Darius I.

两年过后,大流士派遣了一支拥有600只三层桨座之战船的新舰队。Two years later Darius dispatched a new battle fleet of 600 triremes.

约翰特尔和他的队友们立刻明白了达利斯的用意。Immediately Johntel and his teammates understood what Darius was doing.

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大流士义兵员众多为优势,亚历山大则凭战略取胜。If Darius has put his faith in numbers, Alexander will rely on strategy.

接着大流士派遣战车冲向中央的马其顿方阵。Then Darius unleashes his chariots on the Macedonian phalanxes in the center.

公元前334年,亚历山大大帝击败了大流士三世的波斯军队。In 334 BC, Alexander the Great defeated the Persian armies of the third Darius.

玛代人大流士年六十二岁,取了迦勒底国。And Darius the Median took the kingdom, being about threescore and two years old.

达利斯从裁判的手中接过球,看了看篮筐,镇定自若地投出了球。Darius took the ball from the official, looked at the basket and calmly shot the ball.

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达利斯从裁判手中接过球,看着篮球筐,平静地射球。Darius took the ball from the official, looked at the basket, and calmly shot the ball.

亚历山大趁势示意军队转而直功大流士。Seizing the moment, Alexander signals his troops to turn and charge straight at Darius.

这是在大流士王第二年六月二十四日。In the four and twentieth day of the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the king.