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雷尔夫感到他的嘴唇在抽搐。Ralph felt his lips twitch.

你曾经眼睛痉挛过吗?Have you ever had an eye twitch?

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雷尔夫感到他的嘴唇在抽搐。He felt a twitch at his watch chain.

他阶段性的吸烟,还经常自言自语有时还能被听见,他有时还抽搐。Sometimes audibly. She may have a twitch.

常有肌肉抽搐,尤以夜间明显。Often twitch muscles, particularly at night obvious.

但篮球是一个快节奏的收缩和反应游戏。But basketball is a fast-paced, twitch and react game.

五马分尸,剥皮抽筋,千刀万剐!Five nag cent corpses skin a twitch and is cut to pieces!

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她也许是抽动尾巴,甚至将尾巴摆来摆去。She may twitch her tail or even lash it from side to side.

当然,一紧张就必然会发生痉挛。The stressing, of course, just made the twitch inevitable.

牠抽动尾巴可以像折断火柴棍似的打断一个人的腿。The twitch of his tail can break a man's leg like a matchstick.

此时,张志坚开始抽搐,是毒瘾又犯了。At this time, began to twitch zhang zhijian, is addiction again.

治疗抽动症的食疗方法有人知道吗?。Does cure twitch the dietotherapy method somebody of disease knows?

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嘴唇却一个劲儿地抽搐着,显示出神经质的嘲讽。His mouth continued to twitch unspeaking in nervous curls of disdain.

据一项前科学家埋葬一天,身体开始抽搐。A day into the burial of the former scientists, a body began to twitch.

引传痛和局部抽搐反应则是肌筋膜激痛点的确认性征象。Referred pain and local twitch response are confirmatory signs of MTrPs.

抽搐发作时面部一般无痛感,不伴颈部及肢体的抽搐。The seizures face without pain, when general not with neck and body twitch.

是丹假扮的,他在赛尔夫的点滴中加了药,使他失去了知觉,开始抽搐。It's Downey, who drugs Self via his IV and holds him down as he begins to twitch.

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一个不再童贞的人,她会产生皮肤的“抽动”,虽然它并不显然只是依稀可辨。And if not sacred anymore so you will have a twitch that is not sovisible and dimly.

保卢斯显得更加神经质,他的左半边脸更频繁的抽动起来。Paulus became more nervous, left part of his face started to twitch even more often.

我深深地感受着马的气味,一只苍蝇叮在它的肚子上,它的皮毛骤然抽动一下。I buried my nose in his horsey smell, feeling his skin twitch when a fly hit his belly.