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我需要一个手电筒。Now I need a flashlight.

谁有手电?Does anyone have a flashlight?

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带备用电池的手电筒。Flashlight with spare batteries.

威奇向约翰的手电筒瞥了一眼。Wicky peeked at John's flashlight.

他需要一顶帐棚和一个手电筒。He'll need a tent and a flashlight.

手电筒或头灯,以防万一。Flashlight or headlamp, just in case

为了省电我关了手电筒。To save energy I kept the flashlight off.

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门砰地一声关上了,一个拿着手电筒的男人The door slams back, a man with a flashlight

这时,我想起我还带着手电筒。Then I remembered I still had my flashlight.

给她一把手电筒让她看清道路。Hand her a flashlight so she can see the way.

这时,树林里有一道手电光照来照去。Then, the woods have a flashlight to shine to.

我必须在我的电池使用神火手电筒?Must I use SureFire batteries in my flashlight?

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他的手电筒像探照灯一样指向埃里克。His flashlight turned on Eric like searchlights.

在手电筒的灯光照射下,夜色中说鬼故事Tell ghost stories in the dark with a flashlight.

闪光灯束可以用透视镜重新聚焦。The beam of flashlight can be refocused with lenses.

里面只有两节旧的手电筒电池,只有这些了。There's two old flashlight batteries, but that's all.

我看到手电筒在黑暗中突然闪出的亮光。I saw the sudden flare of a flashlight in the darkness.

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什么,你以为我傻啊?等我爬到半道你就会关电源的。You'll turn off the flashlight when I'm half way there.

查票员打着手电筒查看车票。The inspector was shining a flashlight onto the tickets.

他翻箱倒柜,找出一个手电筒。He rummages through a cupboard and retrieves a flashlight.