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旱情严重。The drought is serious.

不久之后东扎镇就出现了。Soon afterward drought set in.

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久旱无雨期间,庄稼都枯死了。The crops died during the drought.

干旱期间庄稼都枯死了。The crops died during the drought.

旱涝灾害的影响评估。The influence of drought and flood.

真理如久旱的甘霖。Truth is like a rain after drought.

久旱使青草枯萎。The long drought scorched the grass.

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旱灾之后我们只得重新再种。We had to replant after the drought.

天旱使树叶枯萎。The leaves languished in the drought.

阿森纳能够感觉到久旱逢甘雨的味道。Arsenal can sense an end to the drought.

长期的干旱使所有的井都干涸了。The long drought dried up all the wells.

这些植物有许多都是耐旱的。Many of these plants are drought tolerant.

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那里的干旱正在耗尽财力物力。Thee drought there is stretching resources.

第一阶段,是参加北伐战争。The northern part is suffering from drought.

地下水位因干旱已降低。The water-table has been lowered by drought.

久旱使很多人陷入饥饿。Famine is often the sequel to war or drought.

除了干旱和饥饿,它无法带来任何东西。It had brought nothing but drought and famine.

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干旱导致广泛的缺粮。The drought translated into widespread hunger.

干旱使供应给他们的水大为减少。The drought has depleted their supply of water.

导致当前粮食危机的一个原因就是干旱。One cause of the current food crisis is drought.