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敌人被击退了。The enemy met with a repulse.

你喜欢约翰或玛丽陪你去浅水湾还是你自己一个人去?Would you like John or Mary to go with you to Repulse Bay?

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卡德加知道自己没有能力把它们全部放倒。Khadgar knew he did not have the power to repulse all of them.

不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目标。Do not for one repulse forget the purpose that you resolved to offer.

参加行动的救生员在浅水湾泳滩静坐。The lifeguards held a sit-in protest at Repulse Bay in the afternoon.

被围攻的绝地武士英勇战斗,击退了曼达洛强盗。The beleaguered Jedi Knights fought valiantly to repulse the Mandalorian marauders.

其最终目的是打退国民党顽固派发起的三次反共高潮。Its final aim was to repulse the third anti-communist upsurge launched by the KMT diehards.

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徐先生来接范柳原他们到浅水湾旅馆住,流苏坚持把两个小女孩带去。Mr Xu to meet FanLiu original them to repulse bay hotel, tassel insist that two little girls away.

警方说,这名15岁女孩从浅水湾的一处21层公寓上落下来。The 15-year-old plunged from the 21-storeyapartment block in Repulse Bay early Tuesdaymorning, police said.

在阿拉摩战役中,不满二百人的守军在十二天内击退了几千墨西哥人一次又一次的进攻。In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defend ers repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.

绝地成为共和国抵抗入侵的第一道防线,但是大量报道声称他们无法击退这些野蛮的异星人。The Jedi became the first line of defense for the Republic, but their failure to repulse the brutal aliens was widely reported.

在纳布战役期间,尼姆为纳布人和冈根人联合击退贸易联邦提供了重要支持。During the Battle of Naboo, Nym provided crucial support to the combined Naboo and Gungan efforts to repulse the Trade Federation.

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游览金紫荆广场、浅水湾、香港自渔村、参茸店、珠宝手工艺厂、杜沙夫人蜡像馆、太平山、星光大道。Golden Bauhinia Square, Repulse Bay, Aberdeen Fishing Village, Chinese Herbal Shop, Jewellery Factory, Ms. Du Sha Tussauds, Victoria Peak.

尤达的部队,在包括伍基人战士楚巴卡和塔富儿的战时议会的协助下,成功击退了机械侵略军。With his war council that included the Wookiee warriors Chewbacca and Tarfful, Yoda's forces were able to repulse the mechanical intruders.

浅水湾道1号大宅,是“赌王”何鸿燊行宫之一,也是他多年来主要居所,现在,属他的四太太梁安琪名下。Repulse Bay Road No. 1 mansion, is the "epic" Ho palace, is one of his principal residence for many years, now, is his fourth wife Angela Leong name.

战役上的反攻,例如对付敌人在晋东南的军事“扫荡”,我们把他打退,这样的战役反攻不但会有,而且是必不可少的。Tactical counter-offensives, such as our repulse of the enemy's "mopping-up" campaigns in southeastern Shansi, are not only possible but absolutely necessary.

在处理具体问题的时候,必须坚决保护群众已经得到的果实,击退可能发生的地富反攻。When dealing with specific problems, we must resolutely defend the ground the masses have already gained and repulse any retaliation by landlords and rich peasants.

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青州内守军也就势杀出,与江北军主力里应外合,将北漠围城大军击退。Inside the green state guard a soldier also certainly kill, with river the north should outside match in soldier main force, north the Mo round city battalion repulse.

何家大宅门前,有一段约50米的行车通道,连接浅水湾道,何鸿燊,在路口,加建一道黑金色的巨型大闸,气派十足。He mansion in front of some 50 meters of road link between Repulse Bay Road, Stanley Ho, in the intersection, the construction of a giant black and gold gates, dignified.

国民党对淮北、皖东、鄂中的进攻还会继续,我军必须坚决地将它打退。The Kuomintang will continue its attacks on the areas north of the Huai River, in eastern Anhwei and in central Hupeh, and our armed forces must not hesitate to repulse them.