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1987年,多纳多尼从亚特兰大来到米兰。Donadoni arrived from Atalanta in 1987.

对亚特兰大的胜利使得我们走出了困难时期。The win against Atalanta put an end to a difficult period.

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我们在对阵亚特兰大的比赛中得到了关键的三分。I must offer my thanks to the curva of Atalanta who greeted me.

想当年,我那真心人多尼呀,他在亚特兰大,35岁,打球30场,进球12个!At 35, Doni played 30 games with me at Atalanta and scored 12 goals.

在周日,对亚特兰大,你希望场上的是罗尼和皮波。On Sunday against Atalanta you could go on the pitch with Ronie and Pippo.

那不勒斯在贝尔加莫以1比3负于亚特兰大,在榜首竞争中落在了后面。Napoli fell behind in the title race with a 3-1 loss to Atalanta in Bergamo.

亚特兰大希望引进阿尔瓦雷兹,如果成功,他们将以租借的形式租阿尔瓦雷兹一个赛季。New Atalanta coach Gigi del Neri wants to take Alvarez on a season-long loan.

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周日对阵亚特兰大的比赛并非是场伟大的比赛,但是结果却是重要的。Sunday's game against Atalanta wasn't a great match but the result is what counts.

亚特兰大排名联赛中游,他们进军联盟杯的前途变得灰暗。Atalanta remain mid-table and their hopes of UEFA Cup football are beginning to fade.

现在我们要积极向前看集中精力对付下周日和亚特兰大的比赛。Now we have to get back to being positive and concentrate on Sunday against Atalanta.

“他现在是亚特兰大的球员,我们现在没有同任何俱乐部进行谈判,”奥斯蒂坚称。"He is an Atalanta player and there are no negotiations with any club, " Osti insisted.

阿尔贝蒂尼将会转回去亚特兰大,因为对于他来说那能得到更多的薪水。Albertini will go to Atalanta where he will earn much more than what he received at Lazio.

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但是,我是一名锡耶纳的球员,而且本周日我们还有一场和亚特兰大的恶战。However, I'm a Siena player and on Sunday there will be a difficult game against Atalanta.

佛罗伦萨主教练切萨雷·普兰德利表示输给亚特兰大是球队疲劳的结果。Fiorentina coach Cesare Prandelli is blaming fatigue for their defeat to struggling Atalanta.

在六月份我们将允许纳塔利去追随他的雄心,并且加盟比亚特兰大更有声望的俱乐部。In June we will allow Natali to follow his ambition and join a more prestigious club than Atalanta.

欧洲国家已经建立了亚特兰大组织来协调针对这一地区的军事行动。European countries have set up Operation Atalanta to co-ordinate their military efforts in the area.

亚特兰大前锋塞尔吉奥。弗洛卡里的经纪人认为,这名天才射手会在夏天加盟尤文图斯。The agent of Atalanta striker Sergio Floccari expects the talented hitman to sign for Juventus next summer.

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再上一次的比赛阶段,亚特兰大正处于很好的状态。而米兰则处于低谷,但是现在事情已经不同了。In the first game Atalanta were in top condition and Milan at the lowest point but now things are different.

因为这场平局罗马的第四位置被那波利夺得,纳波利在贝尔加莫2-0战胜了亚特兰大。The draw sees Roma leapfrogged by Napoli who take fourth place after a 2-0 victory over Atalanta in Bergamo.

离开斑马军团后他加盟了亚特兰大直到1990年退役。He then moved to Atalanta until he finally retired in 1990, taking the role of the Bergamaschi's youth coach.