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他们在热那亚一味坑害她。They let her in at Genoa.

多米尼科有约在身,他在热那亚很开心。Domencio has a contract. He is very happy Genoa.

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热那亚正在追逐罗马中场切尔奇。Genoa are chasing Roma midfielder Alessio Cerci.

热那亚之于利久立海,就如雅尔达之于什麽?Genoa is to the Ligurian Sea as Yalta is to the WHAT?

后者目前由热那亚和巴里共同拥有。The latter is co-owned by Genoa and his current club.

他在热那亚的邻居们把他看作平凡的克里斯皮金。His neighbors in Genoa knew him as plain Chris Pigeon.

米兰将在9月18日下午3点的热内亚迎战桑普多利亚。Milan will play Sampdoria in Genoa on September 18 at 3pm CET.

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第三幕热那亚正在庆祝波卡涅拉击败叛乱分子的胜利。Act III Genoa is celebrating Boccanegra's victory over the rebels.

在热那亚度过了一个成功的赛季的加斯佩里尼被认为是最热门人选。Gasperini is seen as the favourite after a heroic year with Genoa.

接下来的赛季,巴乔在同热那亚的比赛中攻入了他意甲第100球。The following season, Baggio gave his 100th Serie A goal to Genoa.

瓦雷泽古雷是位于热那亚以东山区的一座小城。Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.

瓦雷泽·利古里亚是一座位于热那亚东部山区的小镇。Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.

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瓦雷泽古雷是位于热那亚以东山区的一座小城。Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.

但是热那亚想得到克里西托,而尤文也需要出售大卫。特雷泽盖。However, Genoa want Criscito and Juve need to sell David Trezeguet first.

在1378年至1381年战争中,热那亚被迫承认威尼斯人优势。In the war of 1378-1381, Genoa was compelled to acknowledge Venetian supremacy.

嗯,如果你吃的是热那亚香肠,从地铁站买的那种,就是两种肉一起做成的。Well, if you’re talking Genoa salami, like you’d get at Subway, then it’s both.

热那亚也在争取得到这名28岁的前锋,但年薪问题可能会是一个阻碍。Genoa will push for the 28-year-old but they may be put off by his wage demands.

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啊,公爵,热那亚和卢加现在是波拿巴家族的领地。Well, Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now just family estates of the Buonapartes.

大家都知道我在热那亚很愉快,在这里就像在家里感觉一样。You all know how well I am at Genoa and how much at home I feel with the Grifoni.

同时,三角帆的升降索卡住了,我们无法及时降下三角帆。At almost the same time our genoa halyard jammed and we couldn't get the sail down.