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这位作者简洁的文字做到既洗练又有邪恶的暗示。The author's laconic prose manages to be both dexterous and sinister.

完美的网站!所有全部都是简洁和美丽的。感谢!Perfect site! Anything superfluous, all is laconic and beautiful. Thanks!

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战争的经历有助于使新边疆这一辈养成不拘形式和说话干脆的作风。The war experience helped to give the New Frontier generations casual and laconic tone.

奥拉?辛是一位形象简洁的人形异族人,肤色苍白,长长的手指沾满猎物的鲜血。Aurra Sing is a laconic humanoid alien with chalk-white skin and long, bloodletting fingers.

黑斯廷斯带有一种简洁的谦虚,与之相对的是一颗雄心勃勃的和不安骚动的内心。Hastings carries himself with a laconic modesty that contradicts an ambitious and restless mind.

这就是为什么在这个开放和简洁的区域不需要繁冗的细节和紧张决定的原因。That is why there are no unnecessary details and strained decisions in this open and laconic area.

本设计的优点在于系统的结构简洁,比较节约硬件资源。This design has the advantage of having a laconic structure and economizing the hardware resource.

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以此为原则,我们创造了一个充满阳光的通透的简洁空间。Following these principles, we created a very laconic space, full of light and having nothing in access.

说话简洁的基亚尼不大关心国内政治,但是他并没有让人怀疑是谁执掌大权。The laconic General Kayani has mostly kept out of domestic politics, but he has left no doubt who is in charge.

简洁的造型,温暖的淡黄色,在忙碌的工作之余,给人以小憩的舒适感。The small yellow folding sofa has laconic appearance. You can have a comfortable break during the busy daily work.

然后,他没有空谈,而是很快地安排议程。这种简洁精练的方式是其他人很少采用的。Then he lays out the agenda quickly and without gassing on and on , a laconic style that few others in the room practice.

在那里,他们与世隔绝,两人之间纯真的友情偶然发展成为了性关系。There, separated from the rest of the world, their laconic friendship develops, almost by accident, into a sexual relationship.

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图标越简单、简洁,就越好。把一个图标中的元素控制到尽可能少的数量是很可取的。The simpler and more laconic the icon, the better. It is preferable to keep the number of objects in a single icon to a minimum.

利用该方法可以快速、准确地建立组态信息模型,并可在此基础上建立有效的、简洁的电子看板。You can use the method to found the information model quickly and accurately. And found the efficacious and laconic electronic board.

采用体视变换矩阵的方法进行体视变换,可使程序变得更加简洁,提高了模拟系统的效率和可靠性。Using matrix to process stereoscopy transformation, the program will be more laconic and the simulation system will be more reliable, and its efficiency is higher.

杰克是一名少言寡语的克隆人士兵,他更喜欢用他的Z-6转管爆能炮来说话。克隆人战争刚开始的时候,他被派往相对平安无事的议会区驻防。A laconic clone trooper who preferred to let his Z-6 rotary blaster do the talking, Jek had a relatively uneventful posting in the Senate district at the start of the Clone Wars.

30万只企鹅聚集通常会引起一种震耳欲聋的互相争论、抗议和指责声,但在我造访鸟巢时还相对比较简单。A gathering of 300, 000 penguins would usually raise a deafening roar of debate and protest and recrimination, but at the time of my visit the nesting birds were relatively laconic.

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写完一篇书简体短文后,她就把书写用具丢在蜡画颜料里,任其暴露在硫酸亚铁、绿矾和五倍子中去腐蚀。After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas, green vitriol and nutgall.

写完一篇书简体短文后,她就把书写用具丢在蜡画颜料里,任其暴露在硫酸亚铁、绿矾和五倍子中去腐蚀。After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas , green vitriol and nutgall.