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饱和度很值得关注The saturation is interesting.

亦称彩度,饱和度。Also known as Chroma, . Saturation.

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高效率及高饱和电流。High reliability, efficiency and saturation.

潜水面以下就是饱水带。Below the water table is the zone of saturation.

现在,将饱和度减到80左右,点击确定。Reduce now saturation to about – 80 and click ok.

我对中国的担心已经到了饱和状态。My worry over China has reached a saturation point.

博客看起来也开始达到饱和点。Blogging also has reached a saturation point, it appears.

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你认为阿联酋市场接近饱和点?Do you think the UAE market is close to saturation point?

当达到饱和时,水将无法吸收更多的砂糖。Once the water reaches saturation , it can't take anymore.

是令人难以置信的情深意切的情感。That kind of saturation of genuine compassion is unbelievable.

建立了一套操作简单、实用性强的含水饱和度校正流程。A flowsheet for the correction of water saturation is proposed.

我们将以地毯式轰炸炸平三英里半宽的地区。We'll pulverize an area 3.5 miles wide with saturation bombing.

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这些运行时间对于输出通道饱和有什么意义?What do these running times mean for output channel saturation?

生境小区的饱和对生态学家是特别有意义的。Saturation of a biotope is of special interest to the ecologist.

把饱和度调整到左边来把房子调为黑白。Scroll the saturation left to turn the house to black and white.

齿痕舌与瘀点舌的舌色饱和度降低。The colour saturation degrade in spotted tongue and dark tongue.

测量了饱和因子和抽运功率的关系。The dependence of saturation factor on pumping power is measured.

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过饱和的效果不过是改变生长速度。The effect of super saturation is simply to alter the growth rate.

饱和度和亮度也影响到我们的感觉。The saturation and lightness of light also affect our perceptions.

偏光镜能够消除反光,增加色泽饱和度。A polarising filter can eliminate reflections or enhance saturation.