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管艺来自青岛。Guan Yi is from Qingdao.

他是中国著名的秦观。He's the famous Qin Guan.

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原来这个人就是关羽。The man was named Guan Yu.

谢谢关先生,谢谢梁先生Thank you Mr. Guan and Mr. Liang.

关关雎鸠①,在河之洲②。Guan Guanju Japan, in River Island.

故事的主人公是齐桓公管仲。Hero of the story is the Duke Guan.

关宝英没有办法,只好放弃。Guan Baoying no choice but to give up.

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关宝英听完笑了。Guan Baoying listening to the laughter.

女人喝铁观音茶好吗?Tie Guan Yin tea okay to drink a woman?

关萍露为了生存打扮成乞丐。Guan Pinglu dressed as a beggar to survive.

其次,把好夫妻共有财产关。Secondly, the good community property Guan.

关羽崇拜是民间信仰中较为突出的信仰形态之一。The worship of GUAN Yu is popular in China.

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看完,关宝英觉得很惭愧。After reading, Guan Baoying feel so ashamed.

把唐冠中的死往田在天身上推。Push Tang Guan of death on field in the day.

关少校率部突袭教堂。Guan Major led the troops to raid the church.

我目前在北京中关村上班。At present I work in Zhong Guan Cun of Beijing.

“我非常清楚的记得所有事情”,她说道。"I remember all that very clearly, " Guan says.

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这是约翰从闳估岸机械有限公司。This is John from Hong Guan Machinery Co. , LTD.

重关称第一,扼险倚雄边。Heavy Guan said first, brief risk lean male side.

但不管怎么说,你都会出去,都会泡妞,”关先生说。But you went out and did it anyway,” Mr.Guan said.