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咱们顺著草坡滑下去。We slid down the grassy slope.

一只鹿俯卧在草堤上。A deer couched on a grassy bank.

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他们躺在绿草如茵的草坪上。They are lying on a grassy lawn.

我们找到河边的一个绿草如茵的地方。We found a grassy spot beside a river.

他看见一只鹿蹲伏在草坡上。He saw a deer couching on the grassy bank.

绵羊草地是一个很大的、开放式的草地,Sheep's Meadow is a very big open grassy field

一匹骏马在大草原上奔驰。A fine horse is running fast on the grassy plain.

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他们坐在长满草的山坡上吃午饭。They sat and had their lunch on a grassy hillside.

我们在哪里可以找到食蚁兽?We can find aardvarks in rain forests and grassy areas.

多亏了他的帮助,我们才得以轻快地走过那个长满荒草的斜坡。Thanks for his help, we could sail through that grassy slope.

两人坐在绿草青青的山坡上。弗雷德犹豫看不知如何说是好。Both of them sat on a grassy hillside , Fred hesitated to speak.

铺路材料可以吸收公园里草地流出来的雨水。The pavers absorb the park's rainwater runoff from the grassy areas.

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是否存在第二杀手,也许他就潜伏在附近的那个草坪上?Was there a second assassin, perhaps one at a nearby "grassy knoll"?

一名枪手迅速靠近,穿过一块绿色隔离带,直朝他奔去。A gunman approached quickly, running across a grassy median toward him.

过了林木线之后沿着长满青草的小道直通陡峭的山顶。Above the treeline take a grassy path leading steeply towards the summit.

学校操场开阔宏大,球门柱也是用竹子制成的。There is a big, grassy playground, complete with goalposts made of bamboo.

我们进入一片位于高耸棕榈林中的草地,这是旧广场的遗迹。We emerged into a grassy glade of towering palms marking the former plaza.

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我们在砾石间的草洼地上展开睡袋。We roll out our sleeping bags in a little grassy swale among the boulders.

贝玛圭草场上,一头孤独奶牛的视线穿过一棵被烧坏的树干。A lone cow peers through a burned-out tree on a grassy paddock in Bermagui.

乳牛喝足了水后,他便牵着它到牧草场吃草。After his cow had enough to drink, he started to take her to a grassy field.