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太阳将天空染得如此绚丽。The sun draw the sky so florid.

你喜欢华丽的巴洛克式建筑吗?。Do you like florid baroque architecture?

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敬礼这面绚丽的中国八一军旗!Do obeisance to the florid China oriflamme!

我的礼物。意大利的华丽音乐都是这样的。My present. All that Italian florid music is.

我讨厌男人长着红润的皮肤,黑眼珠。I hate a florid complexion and dark eyes in a man.

花瓣似的叶子,伸展开来,最长可达2英尺。Leaves of this florid species can reach two feet in length.

这是丰富多彩的和华丽,是一种新型的屋面材料。It is colorful and florid , is a new type of roofing material.

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你的婚纱华丽又简洁,哪里买的?Your wedding veil is florid and neat tailored, where did you buy it ?

当然,您喜欢的歌手名字在夜空中是绚丽的。Of course, the singer's name who you love will be florid in the night.

他是那种粗糙的好看,面色红润健康的人,年龄大约在五十岁左右。He was a good-looking man in a kind of coarse, florid way, aged about fifty.

如今你已忘却我们的故事,或许你们的故事更值得炫耀。Now that you have forgotten our story, because maybe your story is more florid.

春天是个鲜丽的季节,清风像温柔的仙子,她们优雅的摆动裙边。Spring, a florid season, with breeze dancing mildly like the weaving outer skirt of fairies.

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除了坏死之外,同时环绕着小的实质血管出现瘀点状出血。In addition to necrosis, there is florid petechial hemorrhage around small parenchymal vessels.

对那些通过电话来鼓动你买佛罗里达滨海土地的推销员,你得十分小心。Be careful of salesmen who call on the pone and offer to sell you land on the beach down in florid.

百合、荷花、郁金香、玫瑰,绚烂的花儿在你身边盛开,但你依然是这个世界最美丽的!Lily, lotus, tulip, rose, so many florid flowers all aroud your world, but you are the greatest beauty !

这些众多的油画风景艺术家和他们经典的油画风景作品为油画史增添了绚丽的篇章。These oil landscape painters and their works have added the florid chapter to the history of oil painting.

中将一直是个脸膛红润的矮胖子,现在却憔悴得厉害,过去的大肚皮瘦得只剩松弛打摺的难看皮囊。He was a short, florid man, normally very fat, now very thin, the skin of his paunch hanging slackly in folds.

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美丽的巴洛克建筑,整齐地坐落,石桥从河面横跨。They are florid and fresh. The Baroque-style buildings repose tidily . A stone bridge crosses above the river.

屏风已经旧了,是用镀金的西班牙皮革做的,上边有比较花哨的路易十四式的图案。The screen was an old one, of gilt Spanish leather, stamped and wrought with a rather florid Louis-Quatorze pattern.

我们来看看这里的根,然后是树干再往上,样华丽的树冠在音乐上被称为什么呢?So we've got the root here of the--and then the trunk and then up above, this florid canopy would musically be the what?