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空气流动,才能生意盎然。Air must flow to refresh.

更新你的系统上的GPO。Refresh GPOs on your system.

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刷新博客缓存和看法。Refresh cache and view blog.

清凉的黄瓜皮肤滋补剂Refresh with a Cucumber Skin Tonic

是的,好好睡一觉就会解乏。Sure. A good sleep will refresh you.

按R键可以刷新当前页面Refresh a web page by clicking the R key

单位为赫兹,分辨率的垂直刷新率。Resolution's vertical refresh rate in Hz.

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把电话屏幕刷新和帮你加油打气!Get Phone Screen to refresh & cheer you up!

也没有可以更衣洗漱的旅店。No inns where they could refresh themselves.

仅刷新当前页时发表的评论。Only refresh current page when comments made.

这是令人精神一振以及可以开始好好计画的时刻。It is the time to refresh and make good plans.

我常喝杯茶提神。And I usually refresh myself with a cup of tea.

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在服务导航栏内刷新项目。In the Services navigator, refresh the project.

现在是时候更新这些方法的内容。It was time for a refresh of the methods content.

卡佩罗需要激发球队业已枯槁的活力。Capello needs to refresh a dynamism that has waned.

愿,人间的真挚感情沁入你我心脾。May sincere feelings of mankind refresh our hearts.

重新整理网页,就会看到最新的感测器读数。Refresh the page and see the latest sensor readings.

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她美餐了一顿,大饱了口福。She has HAD a hearty meal to refresh the inner woman.

也可以手动刷新侧边栏面板数据。You can also refresh the sidebar panel data manually.

耶稣,圣智之泉,复苏我这乾渴者。Jesus, Source of Knowledge, refresh me who am thirsty!