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喝酒是她克制不住的欲望。Drinking is a compulsion with her.

喝酒是她克制不住的欲望。Drinking is a compulsion with him.

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强迫永远不会使他们信服。Compulsion will never result in convincing them.

哈里说阿香博有写作的冲动。Harry says Archambault has a compulsion to write things.

我怀念的是争吵以后还是想要爱你的冲动。I miss is quarrelled still want to love your compulsion.

耽酒狂患者,指一个人有一股不可控制的喝酒的欲望。The dipsomania has an uncontrollable compulsion to drink.

为什么所有现代人类有这种创造艺术品的通性?Why do all modern humans share the compulsion to make works of art?

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该契约由于一人系被迫签字而无效。The contract was vitiated because one person signed under compulsion.

那儿没有什么关于避孕的条款,也没有什么强制性的暗示。Provision of contraception is free, but there is no hint of compulsion.

专家们认为,这或许可以解释为何中国男性如此热衷于将头发染黑。That may explain Chinese men's compulsion to blacken hair, experts say.

这些天来Flaherty的书写痴迷症就像强迫行为一样快乐。These days Flaherty's writing obsession is as much pleasure as compulsion.

而最能理解揭黑冲动的人,恰恰是阿桑奇自己。If anyone can understand that compulsion to expose injustice, it's Assange.

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当然,体罚和管柬在施行的当时还是有效的。Physical compulsion or restraint was effectual, of course, while it lasted.

这些只是受到多巴胺受体激动剂而产生强迫的案例。These are cases of people experiencing compulsion due to dopamine agonists.

当然,体罚和管束在施行的当时还是有效的。Physical compulsion or restraint was effectual , of course, while it lasted.

在家庭福利方面的强制必须及时废除。Compulsion in the area of family welfare must be ruled out for all times to come.

就拿某些有洗手强迫症的人做例子。Take somebody who perhaps suffers from some sort of compulsion to wash his hands.

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我会把它归类为强迫性神经失调,比起上瘾跟像是一种挥之不去的情结或者冲动。I would classify it as OCD -- more of an obsession or compulsion than an addiction.

作为情感丰富的人类,我们不自觉地要使生活的方方面面人性化。As emotional human beings, we feel a compulsion to personalise most aspects of life.

他看到红鼻子的驯鹿就出发了,因为红色代表出发,对吗?we race off under the compulsion of the meaning of the red light, which is "go," right?