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我需要打针吗?Do I need an injection?

是谁给我注射了这一针?Who had given me the injection?

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向WPA数据包注入成为可能WPA packet injection now possible

方法四氧嘧啶尾静脉注射。Method i. v injection with alloxan.

在注塑是可以减少全周秒。In the week can reduce injection is.

医生让我注射调治。The doctor cwisled to get an injection.

请给我打一针止痛针。Please give me an injection of pain killer.

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为依赖注入提供类型安全的方式a typesafe approach to dependency injection

一些长条形乐高玩具的注塑过程。Some other LEGO's injection molding process.

修女给他注射了一针奎宁。The sisters gave him an injection of quinine.

远离黄赌毒,不共用注射针头!Do not abuse drugs or share injection needles.

打针后她的疼痛开始减轻了。After the injection her pain began to ease off.

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给你开一些注射用药和口服药。I'll give some medicine by injection or orally.

我给你开一些注射用药和口服药。I’ll give some medicine by injection or orally.

小结痂也可能出现在注射部位。Tiny scabs may also form at the injection sites.

氢注入及冲压点火测试。Hydrogen injection and scramjet ignition testing.

方法对水蛭注射液进行干扰。Methods The interfering test on Hirudo Injection.

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所使用的成形机称为注射机。The shape called injection machine used aircraft.

雷鸣电闪,大雨如注。Thunder lightning, heavy rain, such as injection.

有注塑和喷涂经验者尤佳。Experience of injection and painting is preferred.