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他们打算移民加拿大。They are going to immigrate to Canada.

他决定移居到澳大利亚找个工作。He decided to immigrate to Australia to find work.

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有两兄弟一直梦想着移民去美国!Two brothers have a lifelong dream to immigrate to America.

事实上,那些一句俄罗斯的人都是完全的失败者。In fact, those who immigrate to Russia, are complete loosers.

来自世界各地的犹太人有权利移居到这个犹太国家。Jews from around the world have a right to immigrate to the Jewish state.

从1951到1952年,来自欧洲的蒙古人开始移民美国。Mongolians from Europe began to immigrate to the United States in 1951-1952.

因本人要移民香港,决定把美甲店出售。Because myself must immigrate Hong Kong, decides the American Armor Shop sell.

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你不能用证书,政府服务护照,或者公共事物护照移民加拿大。You cannot immigrate to Canada with a diplomatic, government service or public affairs passport.

这些状况的结果是,几批门诺派教徒选择移民北美。As a result of these conditions, several waves of Mennonites chose to immigrate to North America.

选择非法移民的人可能会发现,他们错误的作出了假设。Some of those who choose to immigrate illegally may find that they're wrong about those assumptions.

六朝时期是外地民众开始成规模地向江西地区移民的历史时期。During the Six Dynasties , people from other places began to immigrate in a large number into Jiangxi area.

富人有钱,需求高质量的生活,所以选择移居国外。The rich people have the money, so they want a high-quality life and choose to immigrate to another country.

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工作人员仍然会问你一些问题以确保你是否符合移民加拿大的条件。The officer will ask you a few questions to make sure you still meet the requirements to immigrate to Canada.

且形成澎湖籍移民的同乡组织-澎湖厅民会。And the same village that the book of formation Peng-hu immigrate organizes- the hall of Peng-hu people meeting.

由于外来移民与泰国社会融合的程度比较深,因此一般都把他们看作为泰人。Because foreign immigrate and Thailand society fusion of degree more deep, so general all see them as Tai a person.

东北居民除少数为原土著民族外,百分之八十是由关内移居而来的移民。Besides the minority of native residents, 1980 percent of the residents in the Northeast is immigrate from the middle of China.

从理论上说,我们知道其它国家有许多接受到良好教育,并且想移民到美国的知识工作者。Theoretically, we know there are a lot of well-educated knowledge workers in other countries who would love to immigrate to the US.

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对于父母已经申请全家移民的,对学生留学申请是否会造成影响。The prime concern is to uate whether the applicant is a legitimate student, and they welcome students to immigrate after their studies.

我们在温哥华的加拿大律师会帮你找到一家公司,那家公司会提供文件,方便你移民。Our Canadian lawyer in Vancouver will help you finding an enterprise and the enterprise will provide the documents for you to immigrate there.

这些人不能作为被担保人,但在申请技术移民的时候可以获得加分。However, if they apply to immigrate under the Skilled Worker Class, they may get extra points for adaptability for having a relative in Canada.