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那价格高得出奇!That is a preposterously high price!

世人处理世事之荒谬,实在奇妙。It is wonderful how preposterously the affairs of his world are managed.

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创立与苹果媲美的公司—这听起来确实是个让人雄心勃勃的想法。I realize it sounds preposterously ambitious for a startup to try to become as big as Apple.

我也明白诗歌创作在今天或许是一个人所能做的最荒谬、最无用的事情。I realize that writing poetry may seem the most preposterously useless thing a man can be doing today.

这个十年中的荒谬的救助将在未来数十年以高地不像话的税率的形式萦绕着美国人。The preposterous bailouts of this decade will come back to haunt Americans in future decades in preposterously high tax rates.

相亲相爱,不离不弃。让那些想介入我们感情的混蛋见鬼去!The intimate falls in love, to does not abandon. Lets the bastard which these wants to involve our sentiment preposterously go!

我们要求工作本身得有趣,更为危险和荒谬的是,那份工作还应该有意义。We demanded that the work be interesting in itself and, even more dangerously and preposterously , that it should have meaning.

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就在最近的一个周六的早上,以此为主题的研讨会吸引了来自密西西比的一个小镇的25名选手和来自田纳西首府纳什维尔的30名选手,他们来得出奇得早。Seminars on the subject drew 25 people to a small Mississippi town and another 30 to Nashville, Tennessee preposterously early one recent Saturday morning.

这时班长发现了,硬逼我把手机放回去,她说的什么话我不记得了,因为是梦嘛,有些细节不容易回忆起来。But be found by class monitor, she preposterously forced me to put the phone back, she said something but I can not remember, because it is a dream, not easy to recall some details.

婴儿出生时的大脑结构给出了肯定的答案,而这种结构会在出生后的短时间内飞速地发展,孩子也因而自然而健康地成长。The answer has to do with the way the brain is organized at birth, and the momentous leaps it has to take in a preposterously short period of time for that child to grow naturally and normally.

中国人复杂的礼仪规定,常常让人很容易就不经意地冒犯了他人,这是中国人拐弯抹角的又一例证,不过,这些拐弯抹角的方法在我们看来是十分荒谬的。It is an example of the Chinese talent for indirection, that owing to their complex ceremonial code one is able to show great disrespect for another by methods which to us seem preposterously oblique.