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渐渐的,她憔悴、消瘦。Gradually she pined away.

戴维逐渐地取得进步。Davy made progress gradually.

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慢慢地他陷入睡梦之中。Gradually he sank into sleep.

他的生命逐渐垂危。His life is gradually ebbing.

我的心渐渐落料了。My mind gradually blanker out.

他慢慢地改变了看法。He gradually changed his views.

迷团渐渐解开…Confuse a group gradually unlock.

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臀部长,且逐渐倾斜。Croup long and gradually sloping.

渐渐地就剩下我孤身一人了。I was gradually being left alone.

飞机渐渐远去看不见了。The plane gradually out of sight.

対身边旳亼逐渐失去兴趣。Around gradually to lose interest.

马蹄声逐渐地听不见了。The hoofbeats gradually died away.

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她的呼吸渐渐平稳下来了。Her breathing gradually evened out.

酒渣慢慢地沉淀下来。The lees of wine gradually subside.

朝雾渐渐地淡薄了。The morning mist gradually thinned.

逐步加放牛奶。烧开。Gradually add milk. Bring to a boil.

长裙子正在逐渐过时。Long skirts are gradually going out.

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她逐渐变成一个丑老太婆。She gradually turns into an old hag.

完整的人生让我们渐渐张大。Full of life so that we gradually Da.

与会者一一散去。The attendance gradually dropped off.