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探讨DEHP的毒作用机制和致癌机制。To study DEHP toxic action and carcinogenic mechanism.

霉菌与亚硝胺有协同致癌作用。Mold and carcinogenic nitrosamines a synergistic effect.

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已被认为对人类有致癌作用的物质。Substances which are known to be carcinogenic in humans.

无致癌或致突变物质的制造。No manufacturing of carcinogenic or mutagenic substances.

苯是一种有高毒性的毒素,它会致癌。Benzene is a highly poisonous toxin that is also carcinogenic.

鸡屁股含有致癌物,不要吃较好。Chicken bottom contain carcinogenic substance, don't eat well.

这是因为在致癌作用的石棉粒子。This is because of the carcinogenic effect of asbestos particles.

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有很多已被知道会致癌的杀虫剂和肥料。There are many pesticides and fertilisers that are known to be carcinogenic.

在煮过的植物油中煎炸东西,会产生致癌物质。Frying in vegetable oil results in carcinogenic substances due to burned oil.

氚水的致癌效应研究工作包括两部分。Studies on carcinogenic effect of tritiated water is introduced in two parts.

报道称,暗色燃料中含特别多的致癌化学物质.Dark hair dyes are especially rich in the carcinogenic chemicals, the report says.

如果真有人把菌类放到茶叶里,让它发酵的话,那他造出来的将是一种致癌物质。Indeed, if tea does ferment and fungus grows, a carcinogenic substance is produced.

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呋喃,苯并呋喃,醋酸乙烯酯被列为可能对人类致癌。Furan, benzofuran, and vinyl acetate were classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans.

此外,一些1978年以后生产的镇流器多氯联苯或含有致癌化学DEHP的。Also, some ballasts manufactured after 1978 contain PCBs or the carcinogenic chemical DEHP.

目的研究S牌染发剂对家兔的潜在性致癌作用。Objective To study the potential carcinogenic effect of S brand hair color cream on rabbit.

世卫组织将107种物质、合剂及暴露环境归类为人类致癌物。WHO has classified 107 agents, mixtures, and exposure situations as carcinogenic to humans.

在发布这则报告之前,科学家告诉我们没有证据能证明手机是致癌的。Prior to the report, scientists told us no evidence existed that cell phones were carcinogenic.

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该机构将手机划分到了2B的类别之中,这也就意味着手机被认为是可能导致人体致癌的物质。The group classified cellphones in category 2B, meaning they are possibly carcinogenic to humans.

但花生米很容易受潮变霉,产生致癌性很强的黄曲霉菌毒素。However, moisture can easily become moldy peanuts, resulting in highly carcinogenic toxin aflatoxin.

最近HVP的用量有些下降,因为它被报道出有致癌性。In recent years there has been some decline in the HVP usage due to reports that it is carcinogenic.