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他的呼吸迟缓而困难。His breathing is laboured.

士兵们在暴风雨中吃力地前进。The soldiers laboured their way in the storm.

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我苦学了两年英语课程。I laboured at the English course for two years.

客轮在波浪翻滚的海面上颠簸。The passengerliner laboured in the ruffled sea.

这个国家背负了巨额债务,痛不欲生。The country laboured under a massive debt burden.

那老太太挎着包费力地慢慢爬上山坡。The old woman laboured up the hillside with her bags.

我若是有罪,又何苦白费心血?But if so also I am wicked, why have I laboured in vain?

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为了上帝的荣耀,我们非常乐意这样戮力战斗来攻克耶路撒冷“。We gladly laboured to capture the city for the glory of God.

工作台旁许多姑娘和一些男工正在干活。At the latter laboured quite a company of girls and some men.

我真为你们担心,怕我白白地为你们辛苦了。I am afraid of you, lest perhaps I have laboured in vain among you.

总统在演说稿定稿之前进行了辛苦的修改。The president laboured over his speech before he had it in final form.

他们劳动了三年才造出这样一件水上艺术品。They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work of art.

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士兵们在沿泽地上吃力地前进。The soldiers laboured their way with great difficulty on the marsh land.

尽管他们在不利的条件下工作,他们仍完成了计划。Although they laboured under the unfavourable conditions, they fulfilled the plan.

这些管理学教育界的巨头们实在是徒劳微功。The giants of management education have laboured mightily to bring forth a molehill.

本着这种精神,我在实验室里苦干一番,创造了“未来的土豆泥”。In that spirit, I laboured in my laboratory to invent The Mashed Potato of the Future.

其特征为呼吸极端困难、皮肤黏膜发绀和动脉血含氧量低。Symptoms include very laboured breathing, bluish skin tinge, and low blood oxygen levels.

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在我恳切地劝了他一上午以后,他接受了我的建议。He agreed to accept my advice after I had earnestly laboured with him for the whole morning.

怀着人人内心都是善良的这一中产阶级的美好幻想,我还在拼命地干活。I still laboured under the nice middle-class delusion that everyone was a good guy at heart.

最后,一切静止,只剩力宏吃力的呼吸,打破寂静。Finally, it all came to a halt, with only Leehom's laboured breathing punctuating the silence.