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师傅,这是观音菩萨特意让他在此等待陪您上西天取经的。Master, he will accompany you to the west at Guanyin's behest.

竹琦议员奉潘托拉联盟之命予以调停。Senator Chuchi intervened, at the behest of the Pantoran Assembly.

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洪常青牺牲后,她接过红旗英勇向前。After Hong's sacrifice, Qionghua inherited his behest and kept on moving to victory.

国家控股公司的高层听从政府命令进行轮换。In state-controlled companies, senior managers are rotated at the behest of government.

但是目前尚不清楚这些攻击是否由中国军方实施,或在他们授意之下。It is unclear whether these were conducted by or at the behest of the Chinese military.

有个塑料的指针,据信会按照魂灵的指令,在板上移动。There was a plastic pointer that was supposed to move across the board at the behest of the spirits.

每当一个跨国公司作为买方下了订单,为达到订单要求,工厂就会给工人们分配定额。When a multinational places an order at the behest of a buyer the workers are set quotas to meet the order.

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马卡拉表示,他在之前一天已将歌曲上传到网上,并决心按照粉丝们的要求在晚宴上演唱。Makana released the song on the Internet the day before and decided to play it at the behest of fans, he said.

之后她就被带往医生办公室,那里已经以卡萨布兰卡的名义给她安排好了坠胎事宜。She alleges she was driven to a doctor's office and an abortion was arranged for her at the behest of Casablanca.

高等星区首长塔金一声令下后,维德放开莫提,这应该是上将久久不能忘怀的一课。At the behest of Grand Moff Tarkin, Vader released Motti, and it was a lesson that the admiral wasn't soon to forget.

Linux人才的需求十分严峻,受基金会技术咨询委员会的委托,我们设立了一个Linux培训计划。The need for Linux talent is so acute we created a Linux training program, at the behest of our Technical Advisory Board.

当谈到自己的父亲时,金日成说道,“半岛的无核化是金日成主席的遗志。”"The denuclearisation of the peninsula was the behest of President Kim Il-sung, " it quoted Kim as saying about his father.

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那幅挂毯,便是献予这个政、教、党一体联盟的贡品,一家教会在其牧师的吩咐下编织了它。The tapestry, a tribute to the union of church, state and party, was woven by a church congregation at the behest of their priest.

埃里克森从2004年开始担任韦姆兰省省长,在过去的两年中,她在政府的授意下检查了现存法律。Eriksson, County Governor since 2004, has been reviewing the existing laws for the past two years, on the behest of the government.

如果卡佩罗在足总那些令人不满的成员的颐指下重新指定队长人选的话,那他可能被颠覆掉。Capello will be undermined entirely if he reassigns the armband at the behest of disgruntled members of the Football Association board.

富士康控告他们诽谤并请求法院冻结他们的个人资产,这一诉讼在苹果和惠普的要求下被解除。Foxconn sued them personally for libel and secured a court order freezing their assets, backing off only at the behest of Apple and HP.

当地警方指示不明身份男子威胁和暴力阻拦前往访问他的记者和维权者。Unidentified men working at the behest of local police officials threatened and roughed up journalists and activists who tried visiting him.

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在郝俊杰的授意下,霍参谋命令伪7师一部,伏击了独立团的伤员,残忍地杀害了三十几名伤兵。Staff at the behest of jun-jie hao, huo command 7 t a pseudo, ambushed independent regiment of the wounded, brutally killed 30 wounded soldier.

他咒骂美国和犹太复国主义阴谋家——或者是接受他们命令在利比亚活动的一支“第五纵队”——将之作为本国受到的每一丝挫折的根源。He blamed American or Zionist conspiracies — or a fifth column in Libya working at their behest — for every little setback his country suffered.

在达赖喇嘛的谕令下,这个早期项目从美国一些大学引入教师,在印度给僧人上课。At the behest of the Dalai Lama, the earlier program brought science teachers from various American universities to teach Tibetan monks in India.