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青丝发落丛鬓疏。This plexus hair thinning hair.

回忆起太阳丛脉轮。Remember the solar plexus chakra.

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你心口会痛?It's a blow to the solar plexus. Right?

它是黄色光芒或太阳神经丛中心。It is the yellow-ray or solar plexus center.

同样脉络丛也可能随年龄增长而钙化。Choroid plexus may become calcified with age as well.

丛草中缓缓穿行的感觉。飞舞的丝带。Plexus grass slowly through feeling. Dancing in the ribbon.

真皮淋巴管与血管丛密切相关。Associated with the vascular plexus are the dermal lymphatics.

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另外有个人一拳打倒朱莉亚的太阳穴神经丛。One of the men had smashed his fist into Julia's solar plexus.

直肠侧韧带内存在的神经是直肠神经丛的组成部分。The nerve in the lateral ligament was the part of rectal nerve plexus.

目的研究罗哌卡因在臂丛麻醉中的临床应用效果。AIM To study anesthetic effect of ropivacaine in brachial plexus block.

丛前男友姜大伟出面,表示自己愿意接纳丛。Cong ex-boyfriend Jiang Dawei, said he is willing to accept the plexus.

图1-3当上肢过度外展时臂丛神经局部解剖关系。Fig. 1-3 Anatomical relations of brachial plexus when limb is hyperabducted.

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粘膜下层有粗大的静脉网和动脉丛。In submucous layer, arterial plexus and coarse venous network were observed.

产瘫的早期显微外科治疗。The early treatment of the obstetric brachial plexus palsy with microsurgery.

最常见的产伤是臂麻痹,通常因肩难产引起。The most common injury is brachial plexus palsy, often caused by shoulder dystocia.

锁骨粉碎术有预防臂丛神经损伤的作用。Additional clavicle morcellation may be good to avoid the injury of brachial plexus.

目的探讨家庭功能训练和支具对产瘫的治疗作用和可行性。Objective To investigate the value of splint and family treatment in brachial plexus.

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目的观察一针法颈丛阻滞在甲状腺手术中的临床效果。Objective To observe the effect of a needle cervical plexus block in thyroid surgery.

输卵管的淋巴管与卵巢的淋巴管可在卵巢下丛相汇合。The lymphatic vessels of the uterine tubes and the ovary met in the subovarian plexus.

目的观察先天性巨结肠肌间神经丛形态学并分析其意义。Objective To study the morphology of myenteric nerve plexus in the congenital megacolon.