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但即使如此,比萨饼的根源可追溯至古老的时代。Even so, pizza's roots go back to the antediluvian times.

但即使如此,比萨饼的根源可追溯至古老的时代。About mammary complex, there is account early in antediluvian period.

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这个老古董在改变造型方面显示出无穷魅力。This antediluvian shows boundless glamour in change modelling respect.

祖先在太古时代的从亚当到诺亚的人类祖先之一。One of the antediluvian progenitors of the human race , from Adam to Noah.

爱?多么古老的字眼!现在还有人谈论爱情吗?For love? What antediluvian notions you have! Can one talk of love in these days?

这些化石是一把打开我了解远古世界的钥匙。These were the keys which unlocked the treasures of the antediluvian world for me.

我摸到了一个完整的图书在墓穴中的一个古老,并看着它崩溃了灰尘。I have touched a complete Book in the tomb of an Antediluvian , and watched it crumble to dust.

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我有精神失常的一完全的书在坟墓中一大洪水前的,和看它崩溃到灰尘。I have touched a complete Book in the tomb of an Antediluvian , and watched it crumble to dust.

这种传统的货币系统,现在也已经换成日本最新的货币制度了。This antediluvian monetary system has now been replaced by the up-to-date monetary system of Japan.

发带真是一个“老古董”了,但在这个炫目的季节,却显示出了它的独有魅力。Hair ribbon is really " antediluvian " , but in this glaring season, showed its particular fascination however.

楚美术是我国上古时期具有南方文化品格的艺术事象。The arts of the Chu State is an antediluvian China's unique phenomenon with southern culture and artistic styles.

中国语言本身,在本质上也是大洪水前的,需要玛士撒拉用一辈子的时间去学习。The Chinese language itself is essentially antediluvian , and to overtake it requires the lifetime of a Methusaleh.

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世上的图书馆注定要成为博物馆,里面陈列的书籍就像洞穴壁画一样被列为古董了。The libraries of the world are doomed to become museums, storage facilities for a form as antediluvian as cave paintings.

秦军战旗环伺之下,来自上古的可怕力量正在苏醒!Under wait of annulus of banner of battle of army of the Qin Dynasty, come from antediluvian terrible power to be in come to!

相反,我付出的所有努力确切地让我明白为什么辉煌而古老的新闻出版公司会陷入金融困境。Instead, all my efforts did was teach me exactly why the proud, antediluvian print-journalism companies are in financial trouble.

许多关于这些古老创造物的谜团正是激发人类兴趣和同情的力量之一。The mystery surrounding these antediluvian creatures is one of the many attributes that inspires human interest and compassion for their well-being.

对许多公司来说,“再造”是它们摆脱老掉牙的流程、改变行将被淘汰的命运的惟一希望。To a lot of company"rebuild hope only the "being their antediluvian breakaway technological process, changing the destiny being sifted out imminently.

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而且,这也让他们带着这些设备进入工作场所。这让他们在公司被期待使用的技术相形之下显得非常落伍。And it is leading them to bring their own devices into the workplace, where some of the technology they are expected to use now seems antediluvian by comparison.

在春天的时候,我还和一个大我12岁的男人在一起过,他让我住他可以俯瞰汤普金斯广场的大公寓,我们一起观察一个装着长款衬衣的老头绕着广场漫无目的的闲逛。In the spring there was the guy 12 years older than me who shared an apartment overlooking Tompkins Square Park with an antediluvian man who walked around in graying long underwear.

新人类将上一纪元称为“上古”,曾毁灭上古文明的巨大能量被封存在一个叫“众神遗迹”的禁地。New mankind calls on one epoch " antediluvian " , the tremendous energy that ever destroyed antediluvian civilization is sealed up for keeping to cry in " thearchy is vestigial " forbidden area.