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用温柔的庄严。With tender majesty.

这块牛肉切起来很嫩。The beef cuts tender.

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牛肉烧得很烂。The beef is very tender.

她是你的慈母。She is your tender mother.

温柔的女人不美。The tender women are ugly.

这是我们的投标书。This is our tender bidding.

将纤纤苇草淹没。That drowns the tender reed.

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温柔的心,你是否倦了?Art thou weary, tender heart?

这些鸡蛋煮得太嫩了。These eggs boiled too tender.

我的伤疤仍然是一碰就疼。My scar was still very tender.

我们在哪儿交投标书?Where do we submit the tender?

而在他接触你时多么温柔It is in how tender he touches.

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柔唇是那样寂寂。Lips that are tender and still.

羽衣甘蓝也应该是嫩嫩的。The kale should be very tender.

牧羊人是看守羊的人。A shepherd is a tender of sheep.

锁着我的爱怜。There locks my tender affection.

这是我们公司的投标书。Here is our Submission of Tender.

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那块牛排鲜嫩多汁。The steaks were tender and juicy.

带着爱的温柔使命去汝国。In tender embassy of love to thee.

还有我心爱的恋人温柔的呼唤声。And the tender voice of my beloved.