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你的处世哲学是等级型的。The model you have is hierarchical.

分等级控制器的改进。Improvement of hierarchical controllers.

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它也是分级和分布式的。It was also hierarchical and distributed.

中文原译层次表被链接到目标单元。The Hierarchical Table is linked to a target cell.

数据通过分极贝叶斯模型分析。Data were analyzed with hierarchical Bayesian modeling.

目前商用数据库系统中层次型占了大多数。Hierarchical data model is used in many database systems.

此列定义了数据中的层次结构关系。This column defines the hierarchical relationship in the data.

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各州的司法机构都象联邦体系一样分等级的。All state judiciaries are hierarchical , like the federal system.

文官是按照职位的等级制结构组织起来的。Civil services are organized in hierarchical structures of offices.

头文字组织关系上,层次的基础上的主题。Text heads organize the topics on a relational, hierarchical basis.

外窗,窗洞和这样现在可以在三维视窗下直接插入建筑物的外立面。The windows in the Window menu are shown in hierarchical structure.

之后,一个分等级的产品列表就会显示在您面前,供您从中进行选择。A hierarchical list of products will display for you to choose from.

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可以在层次化表示和平面表示风格之间切换。You can toggle between the hierarchical and flat presentation styles.

设计了一种分层式可扩展的网守系统的管理模型。A model of the hierarchical and scalable gatekeeper system is designed.

超群和子群以分层的方式形成特殊的个体。In a hierarchical manner, supergroups and subgroups create individuals.

它处于一个耸人听闻的不公平的等级社会顶端。It sits at the apex of a horrendously hierarchical and unequal society.

大多数时候,子标记以分层的树的形式显示。Most of the time, subtags are displayed in a hierarchical tree fashion.

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如果遵循层次模型,他们可以很好地解决某一个问题。If they follow the hierarchical model, they solve one problem very well.

在一个大型的、等级森严的组织中,“加强控制”是问题的关键。In a large, hierarchical organisation, this is the real crux of the matter.

将一个层级网页的下拉列表以HTML形式显示,拥有一个递交按钮。Displays a hierarchical page dropdown list in HTML form with a submit button.