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这牛肉烧得过久。The beef is overdone.

这种妄想症表现得有点过头了。This paranoia is overdone.

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鱼烧得过火了,太干了。The fish was overdone and very dry.

你文章中使用的外来语太多了。The loanwords written in your article were overdone.

但Suppiger说他认为抛售做的有点过了。But Suppiger said he believes the selloff was overdone.

她看上去性感过头,而不用过多的化妆。She looks smoking hot without the garishness of overdone makeup.

除此以外,对中国楼市泡沫的担忧可能是过头了。On top of that, fear over China’s property bubble may be overdone.

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抛弃你那些觉得这些景点已经被拍滥了的想法吧。Throw away any thought you may have of icons being overshot and overdone.

这鸡肉太老,咬起来像啃皮革。我要打个折扣。The chicken was overdone. It was as tough as leather. I'd like a discount.

植物性食物既满足你的胃口,又不让你摄入过多的热量。Plant-based foods satisfy the appetite before you've overdone it on calories.

然而,在这一层假象之外,他们还抱有一丝神经质的自我怀疑。But there is also a strand of neurotic self-doubt, which can be equally overdone.

去年一年我们做了很多事情,有些事情是搞多了搞急了。Last year we accomplished many things, but some were overdone or done impetuously.

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这需要一些练习,但当你熟练了,你就能拥有梦幻卷曲的眉毛而不会看起来太夸张。It takes a little practice, but you'll get a dramatic, curled effect without looking overdone.

后来的经济数据显示投资者对二次双底衰退是过虑了,同样也给股市形成了支撑。But it also helped that incoming economic data showed double-dip recession jitters were overdone.

导致活塞不会被敲击,火鸡出锅时大多已经被烤干,这使得许多感恩节失色不少。So the plunger wouldn't pop, birds came out overdone and dry, and many a Thanksgiving was ruined.

或许这只不过是年轻人的热忱,又或许这只是因为我生活在一个许多事情都被夸大了的时代。Maybe it was just the earnestness of youth and living in a time when so many things were overdone.

最近市场担忧欧洲经济状况弱于美国,使得欧元相对美元走弱,已经是过度反映了。But the current fear over Euroland and the weakness of the Euro relative to the dollar is overdone.

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它可以挽救一张模糊的照片,但还是奉劝你不要用锐化工具太过。It can save a blurred photograph, but don’t use the sharpen tool too much or it will end up overdone.

如果你觉得自己喝鸡尾酒喝多了,突然看到很多大块头,也不要担心。If you think you’ve overdone it on the cocktails, and are suddenly seeing twin hunks everywhere, relax.

昨天大豆缺口的大幅下跌认为是过度的,导致隔夜交易的抛空回补。Ideas yesterday's sharp losses in the soybean pit were overdone resulted in short-covering in overnight trade.