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重组商业计划。Retool your business plan.

我们必须对乡镇经济进行重组。We must retool the town's economy.

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为了扩大再生产,我们必须更换机械设备。We had to retool for enlarging reproduction.

在电脑业中,工程师必须经常以新知识“充实”装备自己。In the computer industry, engineers have to retool frequently.

有些可能需要新建或更新它们的卫生保健基础设施。Some might need to build up or retool their healthcare infrastructure.

人们已经开始借这次衰退来调整经济了。People are already using this economic slowdown to retool and reorient economies.

结果发现,即使当男人极其需要重新装备自己的时候,他们都更难投入学习。Men, it turned out, had a harder time committing to school, even when they desperately needed to retool.

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那些拥有完善的卫生保健体系的国家,从另一方面来说,会觉得很难进行革新。Countries with well-established health systems, on the other hand, might find it more difficult to retool.

日本迟迟不进行有助于调整经济模式的结构性经济和社会改革。Japan has resisted structural economic and social reforms that could retool its sputtering economic model.

当你的心灵受挫复原后,重新估价你那本应在一开始就为自己确定的目标,有必要的话重新装备他们。Bounce back. Reevaluate the goals you should have set for yourself at the beginning and retool them as necessary.

小公司的一个好处就是,它能迅速重组设备和设计最后产品的创新部分。An advantage of being small is that his firm can quickly retool and make design innovations part of its finished products.

我们已经有数百万人失业,我们必须重整旗鼓以求竞争,面对这样的事实,我不该忧心着急吗?Should I not be worrying about the fact that we’ve lost millions of jobs and that we’ve got to retool in order to to compete?

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他利用这段时间重新思考自己的投资方法并重新改造自己的模式识别软件。He used this period of enforced inactivity to reconsider his approach to investing and to retool his pattern-recognition software.

如果一切顺利,您能够使用本文给出的理念和代码丰富您自己的应用程序,而不必彻底重组您的代码。Hopefully, you can use the concepts and code provided here to enrich your own application without having to entirely retool your code.

结果,我们需要重新组合、加倍努力奋斗,这样才能在这个飞速变换、竞争激励的世界上保持我们的领先位置。As a result, we need to retool and redouble our efforts so we can retain our leadership position in a rapidly changing, hyper-competitive world.

可能会发觉一点提高,但要真地希望汽车跑地更快、更好,就要要掀开车盖,用更基础的方法来改装它。You may notice some improvement, but if you really want a better, more efficient machine, you have to open the hood and retool things in a much more fundamental way.

该工厂生产存储芯片,但是德州仪器公司声称经过重组后工厂将生产模拟芯片,这种芯片广泛使用在小配件上,比如手机。The factory made memory chips, but Dallas-based TI said it would retool it to make analog chips, a TI specialty used in a wide variety of gadgets, including cell phones.

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更不顺的情况发生于土耳其拒绝让军队通过它的领地—意味着英国必须赶紧为从科威特进攻而重组。A further spanner was thrown into the works by Turkey’s refusal to allow use of its territory — meaning that the British had to hurriedly retool for an invasion from Kuwait.

鲍尔默承认,微软未能在手机市场中占据显要地位,也正因此迫使微软早在两年前就已经“重组并改革”了其手机操作系统。Ballmer admitted that Microsoft, which has failed to gain any significant share of the mobile phone market, had been forced to "retool and reform" its mobile phone software two years ago.

此项交易是中国公司最新的海外并购,现在中国正在寻求把依赖重工业的经济,转向以内需拉动增长的经济。The deal is the latest in a series of overseas acquisitions by Chinese firms, and comes as Beijing seeks to retool its heavy industry-dependent economy to one more driven by consumer demand.