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我为此下十元赌注。I wager ten dollars on it.

但是你赢了你所赌注的。But you win what you wager.

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这是他最棒的一次打赌。It was his most brilliant wager.

要输掉这场赌注也有很多方式。There were many ways to lose this wager.

别把钱全押到那匹马上。Don't wager all your money on that horse.

不论怎样都奋力一博吧。Wager whether or not you want a one-night stand.

肯定是我首开纪录——有人敢打赌吗?The first kill goes to me! Anyone care to wager ?

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我打赌那笑脸一定赢得了不少少女的心。That smile has won many a maiden's heart I'll wager.

你是想用一个女人的突发奇想赌一赌你的御座吗?Do you want to wager your throne upon a woman's whim?

设定您的赌注,或者单击牌面可叫另一张牌。Set your wager or click on the cards to deal a new hand.

我会打赌在西方没有人会信这一套。And I’ll lay a wager that barely anyone in the West believed them.

酒令,是酒席上的一种助兴游戏。Drinkers' wager game is a kind of add to the fun games on the banquet.

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英勇和禀赋是潜行者下给衣衫褴褛的富孀的赌注。The prowess and endowment are the prowler's wager to the dowdy dowager.

齿轮赌注是与单个按钮按游戏休闲街机游戏。Gear Wager is a casual arcade game with a single button press game-play.

投降就是放弃您一半的赌注同时放弃这局牌。To surrender means to give up half your wager and not complete the hand.

朋友一起喝酒时,没有行酒令的工具。No Hang Jiuling tools of Drinkers' wager game, when drinking with friends.

戏剧表演就是与天性和真实背道而行的,我愿意用我的财富打赌我是正确的。Nature and truth are the very enemies of playacting . I'll wager my fortune.

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十赌九诈,为了家人,为了自己,赌海无边、回头是岸…Ten wager nine cheat for the family to himself, bet on the sea boundless, at.

所以我敢打赌,在陆海主权争议上,中国人也会采用这样的文化态度。I would wager in a land-sea-sovereignty dispute this same cultural truth holds.

杜茸拿著五个大洋走到赌坊一碰运气,郑大夫看见不禁摇头。Chopped du took five oceans wager shop a chance, a Zheng Dafu saw shook his head.