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贝勒挂掉了。Baylor goes down.

传说如此。So the story goes.

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公共汽车来了。There goes the bus.

熵增加。The entropy goes up.

那匹马腿瘸了。The horse goes lame.

但是该团伙仍在作案。But the gang goes on.

知道的人越来越少Goes down every year.

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嘣!鼬鼠来了!Pop! Goes the weasel!

你明白吧。You know how it goes.

一切荣耀都归于主。All glory goes to Him.

飞行猪进了第4道门。Flappy goes in door 4.

他手气不佳。Luck goes against him.

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鸟妈妈飞下去。Mother bird goes down.

这太不像话了。This goes way too far.

时间会分秒不差的过。Time never goes wrong.

孙老师一周去看望他爷爷两次。Mr. Sun goes to a week.

老鼠接着吱吱叫。And squeak goes the rat.

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悖论不断深入。The paradox goes deeper.

最后,它进入休眠。Finally, it goes dormant.

形成了二氧化碳。Goes up the stack as CO2.