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我们待会再来考虑这个问题。Well, we'll revisit that.

可能现在可以再开设。Maybe it's time to revisit that.

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神学院的稍后再讨论We'll revisit the Divinity School later.

你所需要做的就是重新审视你的思想。All you need to do is revisit your message.

他们会重回旧地,或者走访一些双方共同的朋友。They revisit mutual haunts and mutual friends.

他知道,他是在请求许多人重温恶梦。He knew he was asking many to revisit a nightmare.

什么梦是这些受访者们最常反复梦到的呢?So what dreams did participants revisit the most often?

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又有谁知道呢,这种形式以后可能还会被我们用到。Who knows, we may want to revisit this format in the future.

当局计划明年2月14日重访坦普尔1号。The agency plans to revisit Tempel 1 on Feb. 14 of next year.

要处理这种情况,需要再一次重新审视数据模型。To handle this, we need to once again revisit our data model.

这不,这次受文友的邀请重游嘉兴。That's why a pen friend of mine has invited me to revisit Jiaxing.

柳时镇带着姜暮烟重游故地无人岛。Liu town with ginger dusk when smoke revisit pastly unmanned island.

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在这一系列文章中,我们将继续讨论该主题。We will continue to revisit this topic throughout the article series.

对1980年代印象最深的很多人都不愿意再回忆那段历史。Many who remember the 1980s best have no desire to revisit that decade.

它就像母亲的子宫——一个我们都希望能再次探访的地方。It resembles a mother's womb — a place many of us would like to revisit.

它就像母亲的子宫——一个我们都希望能再次探访的地方。It resembles a mother’s womb — a place many of us would like to revisit.

然后重新回顾你列出来的清单,看看你能不能再试着删除其他事项。Revisit this list at that time and see if you can cut something else out.

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重温一下以前的知识产权——一个之前雪藏着的主意,现在或许就能获得经济价值了。Revisit past IP – an idea that’s in storage may now be economically sound.

随访结果经前7日组复发率最低。The revisit result premenstrual on 7th the group recurrence rate is lowest.

因此在Ioke的开发过程中我尝试了各种可能。So I'm trying to revisit as much as possible during the development of Ioke.