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一个姑娘,我觉得她很善良。A gal I thought was kind.

你们可不要成为这样一群人。Don't be that guy or gal.

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我是一个没有低价种半乳糖。I'm a no frills kind of gal.

给一直单身的朋友。The still-single guy or gal.

半乳糖,上海试剂二厂出品。Gal is the product of Shanghai No.

我们决定和那个从梅里尔来的女孩合作。We decided to go with the gal from Merrill.

假如你尝试这样做,你会更加爱你的另一半。You couldn’t love your gal more if you tried.

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恩,英语狂人,也是我的梦想哦。Hehehehe, may you become a gal proud of your English.

向姑娘提出约会邀请到底会发生什么事?What the hell ever happened to just asking a gal for a date?

这位师父劈头就问那女生有没有收人家的钱!?那女生说没有。That sifu direct ask the gal got take the money bo? She say didn't.

我是一个带着六英尺高,175磅重的空手道黑色金发女人。I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde gal with a black belt in karate.

不过却因祸得福得到了受他帮助的那个女孩的爱。It is such a blessing in disguise that he got the love from the gal.

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我想一旦开始后,你可不愿你的宝贝女伴摔的狼狈不堪。Once you get going, you don’t want your gal sliding all over the place.

当别人想到你的职业,你恰恰就是被想到的家伙或姑娘。When someone thinks about your niche, you want to be the go-to guy or gal.

也许大家正好奇着,是谁把我的心俘掳了呢?Maybe people out there are so curious for who is this gal who stole my heart?

使情人节让你和某个特别的人难忘有要诀。Tips on how to make Valentine's a Day a day for you and a special gal to remember.

一旦我们加入气体,模拟便产生了变化万端的星系型态。As soon as we included gas, the simulations produced a rich variety of gal actic morphologies.

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给出一种使用GAL的双机热备份多路开关量采集系统的设计。A kind of design of two unit standby multiplex switch signal acquisition system using GAL is given.

美国人去年狂饮了惊人的153亿加仑,平均每人574罐,不论男人、女人、还是小孩。Americans consumed a stunning 15.3 billion gal. in 2003, or 574 cans for every man, woman and child.

1080万加仑的原油喷涌到冰冷的海水中。The first of what would turn out to be 10.8 million gal. of oil began to spew forth into the cold waters.