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盖伯是个一流的厨师。Gabe is a top-notch chef.

请帮我跟厨师致意。My compliments to the chef.

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小老鼠也能当大厨师?。Unit 5 Can a Rat Be a Chef?

那厨子弄碎了那些花生米。The chef crushed the peanuts.

总的来说,我是一个海洋的厨师。Above all I am a chef of the sea.

厨师对物理学一无所知。The chef knew nothing of physics.

多年来,他是一名真正的厨师。He was for many years a real chef.

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对吧?你说了算数。Isn't she? Wahtever you say, chef.

我去告诉大师傅重做一遍。I'll tell the chef to cook it again.

今天王师傅为我们做了一道拿手菜。Chef Wang has prepared a dish for us.

厨师会把你那份推过来。The chef will push your portion over.

主厨推荐那几道菜?Which dishes does the chef recommend.

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厨师长在厨房里忙来忙去。The chef bustled about in the kitchen.

而我的梦想是成为一名寿司主厨。Well, my dream was to be a sushi chef.

他是位有名的白案师傅。He is a well-known chef of staple foods.

小厨子,休息一下,透个气儿。Take a break, Little Chef. Get some air.

石首厨师死亡引发的骚乱中,8人获刑。China jails 8 for unrest over chef death.

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西克雷斯特的私人厨师呢?What about Ryan Seacrest's personal chef?

她曾在一家大餐厅当过厨师。She used to be a chef at a big restaurant.

那到底是你做还是师傅做?Is it you or the chef who does the cooking?