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披着世纪晨曦在莫辛卡平滩踏足Moccasin Flat at century’s dawn

高统鹿皮靴设计用以穿在长统靴里的一种软鞋或柔软的鞋。A moccasin or soft shoe designed to be worn inside a boot.

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软鞋是由概括的皮革,类似莫卡辛。The soft shoe was made of wraparound leather, similar to a moccasin.

光滑绒面革外底和一个灵活的莫卡辛建设一个干净的完成。Smooth suede outsole and a flexible moccasin construction for a clean finish.

磨砂皮革鞋面光泽与在经典和永恒的莫卡辛设计完成。Nubuck leather upper with a shiny finish in a classic and timeless moccasin design.

一些例外包括响尾蛇,银环蛇,噬鱼蛇和铜斑蛇。Some exceptions include the rattlesnake, coral snake, water moccasin and copperhead.

在许多印第安人部落的独特鞋型是以一块牛皮制成的马克辛鞋。Unique to many of these Native groups is a moccasin consisting of one piece of hide.

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让你的脚丫感觉非常舒适的一双鹿皮底的平底鞋。Treat your feet to these comfortable moccasin flats featuring a brushed exterior that feels like suede.

这种鞋鞋面类似北美印第安人的鹿皮鞋,只是鞋跟宽而扁。A trademark used for a low leather step-in shoe with an upper resembling a moccasin but with a broad, flat heel.

蝮蛇一科成员众多,其中包括鼎鼎有名的铜头蝮、响尾蛇和食鱼腹。The group of snakes known as pit vipers includes well-known species such as the copperhead, the rattlesnake, and the water moccasin.

制作的光滑皮革与必要的定制莫卡辛脚趾,这个英俊的滑上是很容易的脚,因为它是在眼睛。Crafted in smooth leather with the requisite tailored moccasin toe, this handsome slip-on is as easy on the feet as it is on the eyes.