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我有一个脾气暴躁的弟弟。I have a peevish brother.

我陪伴着生病的孩子彻夜未眠。The child is never peevish unless sick.

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到傍晚打喷嚏,一边拨着劈啪的火。Sneezes at evening, poking the peevish gutter.

她报告说他是一个多病的任性的东西。She reported him to be an ailing, peevish creature.

一个脾气暴躁的孩子自己不高兴也使别人不高兴。A peevish child is unhappy and makes others unhappy.

这种心境与以前完全不同,更加的倔强,却少了自私。This was a whole different emotional tone , more peevish but less selfish.

别人纠正他,他就说要跟女主人扳手腕,证明自己的厉害。Corrected, he became peevish and offered to arm-wrestlethe hostess to prove a point.

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他接过我的马时,别别扭扭地不高兴地低声自言自语着。He soliloquized in an undertone of peevish displeasure, while relieving me of my horse.

大卫•苏特有许多司法理念,要质疑他离任后留下些什么似乎有些惹人生气。David Souter had so many judicial virtues that it may seem peevish to question his legacy.

然后我又离开了她,她在一种最坏的、最乖张的心情中上了门闩。I then quitted her again, and she drew the bolt in one of her worst, most peevish humours.

“过来!坏脾气妞!”说话的当儿,丈夫已拿着电吹风从房里走出来。Come over, you peevish girl! " said my husband walking out into the yard with a blow dryer."

散步还没持续一小时之久,蓦然我偷听到一个少女恼怒的哭诉。My promenade had not lasted an hour when I suddenly overheard the peevish voice of a girl. I halted.

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弗里曼·戴森不仅是最近气候变化右翼的脾气暴躁的反对者,而且他活跃的思维更可怕。Which makes Dyson something far more formidable than just the latest peevish right-wing climate-change denier.

几次早朝都令萧凤溟拂袖而去,他们才干休。Several times early toward always making Xiao Feng the Ming quit in peevish anger, their practical ability rests.

“吱,嗡,嗡!”芭比蒂大黄蜂愤怒地尖声叫着。她侧身走下一条通道,消失在一间用来储藏橡子的房间里。"Zizz, Wizz, Wizzz! "replied Babbitty Bumble in a peevish squeak. She sidled down a passage, and disappeared into a storeroom which had been used for acorns.

“叽嘶,危嘶,危嘶嘶!”大黄蜂芭比蒂带怒气地尖声回答。她滑下通道,进去一个原本用作收藏橡子的储藏室后就消失了踪影。"Zizz, Wizz, Wizzz! " replied Babbitty Bumble in a peevish squeak. She sidled down a passage, and disappeared into a storeroom which had been used for acorns.

据认识他的人传说,盖奇此后又活了十三年,功能或多或少还算齐全,只不过变得脾气暴躁。According to anecdotes from those who knew him, Gage lived for another 13 years, more or less functional, except that after the accident he became short-tempered and peevish.