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消光棉锦绸。Extinction cotton and silk brocade.

时不时的就在锦绣耳边唠叨。Often of loquacious in the rich brocade ear.

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沙发上铺上了华贵的织锦。The sofa was covered with expensive brocade.

“是”锦之闻言点头应诺。"Is" brocade it smell the speech noding to agree.

还有,记着千万别跟锦绣说这些。Still have, logging not say these with rich brocade.

吃完开锦湖轮胎的车去上班。Finish eat open brocade lake tires car to go to work.

“惹麻烦了?”夏宁询问锦心。"Ask for to bother?"The summer rather inquires brocade heart.

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在“古典路”博科是一种适当的民间纺织曲阜。The "Genteel Lu" brocade is kind of proper folk textile in Qufu.

剑落,东方锦心里顿时一寒。The sword falls, eastern brocade in the mind immediately a cold.

东方锦看着花无心的眼眸一亮。The east brocade seeing at to spend not intentional eyes a shine.

于是余有繁花似锦后的兵荒马乱。Then after the war have flowers blooming like a piece of brocade.

您是想把这些首饰装起来还是想把它们放到首饰盒中?Would you like to have them wrapped up or put in brocade caskets?

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锦媛在一旁早气的快成内伤了。The brocade Yuan early annoyed fast to chance inner harm in a side.

锦绣心里一喜,忙不迭的点头应了。Rich brocade in the mind a pleased, assistance not the Die nod ought.

您要哪种台布,亚麻的、提花涤纶织锦缎的?Which do you prefer, the linen one, the figured dacron or the brocade?

审美眼光和技巧的高低制约着织锦工艺水平。Aesthetic taste and the level of technic refrains the handicraftTujia brocade.

她要骗过所有的人,就连锦莲也不例外。She absences to once fool entire human, even the brocade lotus is no exception.

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刺绣是重使用,披肩长袍往往包括博科和阐述。Heavy embroidery was used, and robes often including brocade and elaborate stoles.

如果现在停止,和剪断织布机上的锦缎有什么区别?Now, you've stopped halfway. Isn't it the same as cutting the brocade on the loom?

锦绣也不多问,柔声安慰了对方几句。The rich brocade also not many asks, the soft voice comforted several other parties.