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我的船在水上漂浮。Boats sof mine a-floating.

心里的事貇这是个很微妙的问题。Matters sof the Heart This is a tricky one.

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三分之二的钱都花在食物上。Two-thirds sof the money was spent on food.

因此,这是更解放军特种部队之间的特殊警察部队722尊重?So which are more respected between PLA SOF and SPC 722?

在网吧卫生间两人打到一坨。In the restroom sof that cybercafe, dad connected to mom.

人类世一定会在化石记录中留下的可见的印记。Markers sof the Anthropocene will surely be visible in the fossil record.

周五,关于美国经济缓慢回温的各项迹象形成数据对外发布。Signs sof slow improvements in the US economy came in data published on Friday.

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教授演讲术的人喜欢把演讲说成“是一种不自然的行为”。Coaches sof public speaking are fond of noting that public speaking "is an unnatural act."

作为提供给SOF的可靠、精确的步枪,SCAR将会改善SOF在任务执行方面的效能。SCAR will improve mission performance of SOF by providing them with a reliable and accurate rifle.

随着基于网络的课程的开发,我们可以给更大百分比的特战部队界提供JSOU课程。With a web-based curriculum we can offer JSOU courses to a larger percentage of the SOF community.

研究了方便型软包装蒜泥的生产工艺条件。The preparation technology of garlic puree with convenient sof packaging was studied in this paper.

建构非法证据排除规则是证据合法性、可靠性以及法律真实的必然要求。Lawfulness and feasibility of evidence require the construction of exclusive rule sof illegal evidence.

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讨论了不同催化原料油组成情况及其对催化裂化反应的影响。The effects of the compostion sof different catalytic stocks on catalytic cracking reaction was discussed.

中国饭店协会有望在短时间内对各大酒店、餐厅下达达“鱼翅禁售令”。Displays sof dried shark fin in hotels and restaurants are expected to soon be banned by the hotel association.

宁泽涛在他的社交媒体上晒出了其训练时的照片,在网上迅速走红。Photos sof the swimmer taken during training, published on Ning's social media accounts, have gone viral online.

一支最有效的特种作战部队据说其兄弟会成员主要是同性恋者。One of the most effective Special Operations Forces teams is reputed within the SOF fraternity to be largely gay.

这种特定的标架在重力系统的正能量定理证明上特别有用。A SOF has application in particular to a positive energy proof and energy localization for a gravitational system.

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为谭朗昌祷告。他因制作自己导演的电视剧的盗版VCD被判在辽宁坐牢八个月。Tan Langchan was sentenced to 8 months in prison in Liaoning for his role in pirating VCD sof a TV series he directed.

自手机的屏幕变得足够小后,可弯曲屏幕的展示就成了科技展的主题。Demonstrations sof " bendable " screens have been a staple of technology shows ever since there were screens small enough.

生命的季节在新春风景中轮换,雪落雪飘雪消,似缘聚缘散缘尽。Seasons sof life in spring scenery in the rotation, the snow falling snow snow, like friends are scattered geopolitical do.