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你母亲逝世,我特向你慰问。I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother.

你最好对约翰最近的不幸表示同情。You'd better commiserate John on his recent misfortunes.

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我对朋友考试不及格表示同情。I commiserate with my friend after he failed his examination.

不要把时间浪费在那些无聊的员工身上。This isn't a freebie pass to commiserate with other bored employees.

另外,预算是转让,与艺术家的质量同情。Also, the budget is negotiable, commiserate with the quality of the artist.

在这种情况下最差的方式就是对她表示同情,那只会使她变本加厉地口吐不满。The worst thing to do in this situation is to commiserate with her because that will only encourage more bad-mouthing.

打电话闲聊、一起散散步或就在一起笑笑—或聚一聚对你的吸烟欲望表示同情。Chat on the phone, go for a walk together or simply share a few laughs — or get together to commiserate about your cravings.

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分享一天中的低潮是一件好事情,因为如果我们拥有配偶的同情,便会感到自己不再独自痛苦。Sharing the lowlight of our day feels good because if we commiserate with our partner, we won't feel so alone in our suffering.

每周,约30名即将毕业的凯莱商学院2010届求职者都会聚在一起吃着披萨,喝着啤酒,分享经历。Each week leading up to graduation, about 30 job seekers from the Kelley Class of 2010 met to share leads and commiserate over pizza and beer.

难以接受这位女记者的所做所为,更加不值得我去同情,我甚至极其反对和讨厌!I am very difficult to accept this journalist's behavior, Don't deserve to commiserate much more, Even I am opponent and dislike it very much!

在杂货店排了很久的队之后,不要因为心里憋气就冲着收银员大喊大叫,而是要同情她的处境——人人都会经历这些忙碌的日子。Instead of yelling at the cashier after a long wait in line at the grocery store, commiserate with her about how hard such busy days can be on everyone.

和同病相怜的同事们一起发发牢骚可以让你感觉好一点,不过在大部分人都表示不满的时候保持一个积极的态度,这会帮助你脱颍而出。It can feel good to commiserate with co-workers, but maintaining a positive attitude at a time when most people are disgruntled will help you stand out.

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那时候,马贺斯与四位同事聚在一起,感叹自己无法进行像那些资金充裕的国外机构正在进行的研究类型。It was then that Marais and four colleagues met to commiserate about how difficult it had become to do the type of research carried out at better-endowed institutions.

事实上,如果某天晚上她计划要出去陪伴和安慰她的女性朋友们,那么这可是个绝佳的好机会,让你随性而性。In fact, on a night that she has plans to go out without you, to commiserate with her estrogen squad, you are faced with the perfect opportunity for some spontaneous sex.

这不仅仅是同情其他无聊的人,这里的目标是和那些对你未来有帮助的人建立友谊,先不管是为了在哪家公司而这样做。This isn't a freebie pass to commiserate with other bored employees. The goal here is to forge relationships that can benefit you in the future, whether it is for this company or another.

既然疼痛是我们所有人都不愿接受的,我们自己的疼痛感受应该教会我们同情他人的疼痛,并在可能的情况下减轻它,而绝不能肆意或无情地施加痛苦。Now, as pain is what we are all averse to, our own sensibility of pain should teach us to commiserate it in others, to alleviate it if possible, but never wantonly or unmeritedly to inflict it.