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她是这里有名的单口相声家。She is a famous comedienne here.

当他们最喜欢的女喜剧演员登台时,他们鼓掌欢迎。They applaud their favorite comedienne as she come on the stage.

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在冯的版本里,笑话是应该通过喜剧女演员的对话传达。In Feng's version, the joke is delivered by a comedienne with dialogue.

这甚至值得让你放弃看最喜欢的女喜剧演员,免费为你提供笑料。You can even pull up your favorite comedienne and get a few laughs for free.

苑仔除了是搅笑能手外,亦是一位烹饪高手。King Yuen is not only a comedienne but also a good cook. She is fond of eating.

这位曾经的广播员及现今的喜剧女演员曾于1986年接受“拉里金现场”的采访。The former broadcaster andcurrent comedienne wenton "Larry King Live" back in 1986.

Goldberg女士,作为此次百老汇版本的制作人,之前也是一名喜剧演员。Ms. Goldberg, who is a producer of the Broadway production, is an earthier comedienne.

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这位女喜剧演员出演了风格迥异的影片,这证明了她的多才多艺。As proof of her versatility, the comedienne has appeared in films of extremely diverse character.

其中不乏一些名人,如喜剧演员艾伦-德詹尼丝,她刚于今年八月与交往已久的女友波蒂亚•德•罗西结婚。Those couples include some celebrity marriages such as comedienne Ellen DeGeneres who wed her long-time girlfriend Portia de Rossi in August.

从患脑瘫的巴勒斯坦女喜剧演员到有着新泽西口音的阿裔美国人,影片中的穆斯林喜剧在谦避的机智中正面再现了这些少数族裔文化的形象。From the Palestinian comedienne with cerebral palsy to the Arab American with a New Jersey accent, the Muslim comics in the film offer positive images of these ethnic cultures with self-effacing wit.