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你给汽车办执照了吗?。Have you licensed your motorcar?

汽车排汽系统用管。Pipes for Motorcar Exhaust System.

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我差点被一辆汽车撞倒。I was almost knocked down by a motorcar.

警察吹警笛让汽车停下来。The policeman whistled for the motorcar to stop.

这个小孩子正在玩他的玩具小汽车。The child was playing with his miniature motorcar.

你认识那个站在摩托车旁边的人吗?Do you know the man standing over there by the motorcar?

她的教练骑着一辆摩托慢慢跟随着她为她测步速。Her trainer paced her on a motorcar following her slowly.

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亨利福特为汽车设想了光明的远景。Henry ford envisaged an important future for the motorcar.

每次我一启动我的摩托车,发动机就熄火了。Eg. Every time I got my motorcar started the engine cut out.

由于石油短缺,汽车将来的命运如何就难以预料了。Now that oil is scarce, the fate of the motorcar is uncertain.

这名歹徒留着一头棕色的长发并且蒙着面,骑着摩托车。The scoundrel had long brown hair, his face covered and rode a motorcar.

如果你想知道如何修理汽车,你应该读这些书。You ought to read these books if you want to know how to repair the motorcar.

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借使你想明白如何修缮汽车!你应该读这些书。You ought to reposting these stories if you wish to know how to repair the motorcar.

加皮革工业、衣业制鞋业、皮包业、玩具业及汽车工业均适用。And widely use in industries of leather, clothing, shoes-making, bags, toy and motorcar.

LIN是一种低成本、高效率的汽车网络协议,作为CAN总线的辅助网络被大量使用。As a low-cost and efficient motorcar network protocol, LIN is used for auxiliary network of CAN bus.

随着我国汽车工业的迅猛发展,我国自驾游开始快速发展。With the rapid development of motorcar industry in China, self-driving tours begins to develop quickly.

我们一直在盼望电动车被一些不太危险的交通工具取代的那一天。We have been looking forward to the day when the motorcar is replaced by some less dangerous means of transport.

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滚子链传动广泛应用于汽车和摩托车发动机的正时机构。Roller chain drive is widely used in timing mechanism of gasoline engine, such as motorcar and motorcycle engine.

项目的研究,为汽车尾气净化器生产厂提供了一个高性能、低成本、全自动的解决方案。The research will provide an automatic solution of high performance and lowcost for factories of motorcar exhaust converters.

在蜂窝陶瓷载体上均匀地喷涂催化剂材料是汽车尾气转化器生产的关键工序。It is a key working procedure to spray catalyst symmetrically on alveolate ceramic carriers for producing motorcar exhaust converters.