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穿小羊驼,吃甜味薄烧鲔鱼片。Wearing vicuña. Eating ahi tuna.

小羊驼是骆驼家族中体型最小的成员。The vicuna is the smallest member of the camel family.

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所以呢,洛罗·皮亚那在全世界的139家分店当中都有骆马毛产品。But vicuna sells well enough to be carried in all 139 Loro Piana stores around the world.

在印加社会里除了贵族任何人穿羊驼衣服都是不合法的。In Inca society it was against the law for anyone other than nobility to wear vicuña garments.

印加国王穿的毛衣,就是用野小羊驼的非常柔软的绒毛织成的。现在,人们仍在使用这种驼毛。The wool worn by Inca kings was woven from the very soft, fine hair of the wild vicuna that is still used today.

这件手工缝制的独一套西装取自北极圈内的麝香牛毛和南美洲的极品骆马毛。It took more than 80 hours to make one-off the suit from Arctic wool, qiviuk, and rare South American wool, vicuna.

每件这样的西服布料都是用稀有丝绸混合着喜马拉雅披肩、麝香牛毛和骆马毛,并且用金和白金做的线,一次性连接而成。Each suit will be a one-off creation made from gold and platinum threads, the rarest silks and a blend of Himalayan Pashmina, Qiviuk and Vicuna.

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秘鲁、玻利维亚、阿根廷、智利政府和国际贸易限制都限制了驮马毛皮买卖。Government protections in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile, and international trade restrictions on vicuña wool have helped the species rebound.

这种绒毛来自生活在南美安第斯山脉的小羊驼。这种小植物每年只能产出非常少量的绒毛。The material comes from the wool of the vicuna which inhabits the high alpine reaches of the Andes. It produces only small amounts of very fine wool.

制衣厂在秘鲁和玻利维亚收集到这些绒毛,然后运送到英国约克郡的纺织厂织成面料。Holland and Sherry has spun its special vicuna worsted from llamas in Peru and Bolivia. It is then brought back to the company's factory in Yorkshire.