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典型的Flume应用由两类进程构成。A typical Flume application consists of processes of two types.

槽型减摇水舱尺度的变化对船横摇运动有一定的影响。The influence of flume tank parameters on ship rolling are discussed.

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三相六状态控制的转子斜槽式双凸极永磁电机通常采用单斩PWM调制方式。Single -chop PWM control mode is commonly used in the flume rotor DSPMM.

渡槽单联过水时过流量不宜太大,闸门开启时第一开度不宜过大。When flume discharged at single side, its excess flow should not be too large.

介绍了由伺服电机驱动的水槽造波机系统的设计。The design of wave-creator system in flume driven by servomotor was introduced.

如果Flume进程p有一个label是进程q的子集,那么p可以向进程p发送数据。A flume process p can send data to process q if one of its label is a subset of q.

连续监测,显示,总计和数据记录或通过任何堰流水槽。Continuously monitor, display, totalize and data log flow through any flume or weir.

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该仪器可直接安装在井场泥槽或泥浆池内。This instrument can be directly mounted on the mud flume or launder at the well site.

分流冲沙是解决斗槽水力清淤的一种有效方法。Shunt wall built in diversion flume is an effective method to clear silt by hydraulic energy.

休谟因果观的实质在于把因果关系看成是人心习惯联想的产物。Flume regards our idea of causal relation as the product of human mind's habitual association.

这些流量计在明渠测量中得到广泛地应用,通常是以水槽或堰的形式出现。These meters find wide use in open channel measurement and are usually a type of weir or flume.

工程师们用风机将150英尺狭长水道的水吸入低压水槽中。Engineers use fans to suck water out of the narrow, 150-foot-long flume into a low-pressure tank.

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通过黄土水槽冲刷试验,初步研究了黄土区坡面径流的水动力学特性。The hydraulic characteristics of runoff flow on loess steep slope were studied experimentally in flume.

结果表明,通过改变流量引起雷诺数的变化,改变了水槽内涡流的特性。It is discovered that arousing Reynolds number by changing flow change the character of vortex in flume.

模拟了规则波与半圆堤的作用过程,结果表明,单点数模波压力过程与物模实测结果符合良好。Interaction process of regular waves with semi-circular breakwater is simulated by the numerical wave flume.

监测流经渠道畅通,部分满污水管道和水槽或无堰征收附加费管道。Monitor flow through open channels, partially full sewer pipes and surcharged pipes without a flume or weir.

通过分析认为,环形水槽可以用来模拟长直水槽。Through analysis, it's concluded that the circular flume can be adopted to simulate the long straight flume.

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Flume模型假定在同一台机器上运行着许多进程,并且通过消息或“流”相互通信。The Flume model assumes many processes running on the same machine and communicating via messages, or “flows”.

该项成果进行了结构模型试验验证,可用于桁架拱渡槽设计。The results obtained were verified by model test and may be useful for the design of spandrel braced arch flume.

文中对在二元水槽内溢流坝下游水平段上的流速量测做了较详细的介绍。It also explains in detail the velocity measurement on the horizontal floor of an overflow dam in a rectangular flume.