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我想那就是一个吸入器。I think it is a kind of inhaler.

我将先使用支气管扩张药物喷雾剂,在使用类固醇喷雾剂。I will use the bronchodilator before I use the steroid inhaler.

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我将先使用类固醇喷雾剂,一小时后再使用支气管扩张药物喷雾剂。I will use the steroid inhaler one hour before I use the bronchodilator.

该雾粒通过面罩或吸入器送至病员。The fog particles are sent to patients through a faceshield or an inhaler.

昨晚是因为他丢了他的吸入器,看在上帝的份上,他有哮喘。What happened last night was he lost his inhaler. He's got asthma, for god's sake.

尼古丁鼻腔喷雾器发挥的作用速度快于尼古丁口香糖、含片和吸入器。The nasal spray also works faster than does nicotine gum, lozenges and the inhaler.

每个哮喘病患者都应该有一个缓解类药物吸入器,这种吸入器通常是蓝色的。Everyone with asthma should have a reliever inhaler. Reliever inhalers are usually blue.

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在过去的4周内,你用你用多久雾化吸入或服药?During the past 4 weeks , how often have you used your rescue inhaler or nebulizer medication?

借助一个呼吸器和一套行动计划,Rohan现在知道如何应对他感觉到即将发作的哮喘病。With an inhaler and an action plan, Rohan now knows what to do when he feels an attack coming.

干粉吸入器能设置有或者不具有用于吸入器的单位计量筒。The dry powder inhaler can be provided with or without a unit dose cartridge for using with the inhaler.

我们的一个朋友去华氏药店买哮喘的吸入器。A friend of ours went to the Huashi Pharmacy, at the Portman, to purchase the inhaler she uses due to asthma.

尼古丁吸入器经常与尼古丁贴片和其他戒烟产品联合使用。The nicotine inhaler is sometimes used in combination with the nicotine patch and other quit-smoking products.

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于是开始用毛蕊花复合片,两次服用后,呼吸不那么喘了也能脱离吸入器。I starting taking Mullein Lung Complex and within two doses I was breathing without gasping for air and was able to quit the inhaler.

随着微粉化技术不断成熟,新型给药装置日益涌现,干粉吸入剂的应用范围越来越广。With the development of drug micronization technology and the emergence of innovative inhaler device, DPI has now been widely applied.

周六,药店的售货员告诉她她不能再在药店买这种药了,她需要学会在没有处方的情况下呼吸。But on Saturday, the workers at the pharmacy told her she could no longer buy the inhaler she needed to breathe without a prescription.

也就是它能在短时间内控制突然出现的尼古丁摄入欲望和依赖症状。The nicotine inhaler is short acting, which means it can control sudden nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms for short periods of time.

这种联合用药的方式可结合吸入剂的便利和喷雾剂更多解除症状的优势。This concomitant regimen provides the additional symptom relief offered by a nebulizer with the convenience of an inhaler when patients are away from home.

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经口吸气之同时,将吸入气的上方往下压以释出泛得林,此时仍保持稳定且深的呼气动作。Just after starting to breathe in through your mouth press down on the top of the inhaler to release Ventol in while still breathing in steadily and deeply.

早、晚使用喷雾剂联合正午使用吸入剂的患者生活质量指数改善最显著。Patients using combined nebulizer therapy morning and night with mid-day inhaler use had the most statistically significant improvements in quality of life indices.

如果这个男孩没有按时吃药,这个吸入器就会通过变颜色,来显示自己的生理上出了问题,从而催促患者吃药。If the boy doesn't take his medicine on time, the inhaler will change color "displaying its own physiological problem and indicating to the patient the urgency of taking the medication."