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他把椅子向后翘起来。He tilted his chair backwards.

这个问题完全反过来了This is the backwards problem.

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他踉跄几下,向后倒去。He stumbled and fell backwards.

你能倒念英文字母吗?Can you say the alphabet backwards?

刺的刺毛是向后长的。A hedgehog's spines point backwards.

然后它再斟酌一下And then it sort of works backwards.

这么久我都可以倒数回去了。I could count backwards in this time.

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那会是一场巨大的倒退。That would be a giant step backwards.

他回头向后看。He looked backwards over his shoulder.

这时火车却开始向后开动了。Then the train began to move backwards.

鸸鹋和袋鼠不会后退。Emus and kangaroos can't walk backwards.

她现在对这个剧本肯定是倒背如流。She must know the play backwards by now.

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这些独轮车也不能倒退。These unicycles also cannot go backwards.

一切都在走,等待就等于倒行。All in walking, waiting to walk backwards.

但这种批评完全不着边际。But the critics have it exactly backwards.

他喜好前后反穿他的长领毛衣。He likes to wear his turtleneck backwards.

你能倒背英文字母表吗?Can you say the English alphabet backwards?

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他的眼珠子向后翻,然后就晕过去了。His eyes rolled backwards and he passed out.

来一次时光倒流旅行吧。Let's take a journey backwards through time.

我们通过向后的过程破坏它。We destroy it through the backwards process.