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红头巾说。Red Hood said.

配套雨罩。Matching rain hood.

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车篷下有什么?What's under the hood?

固定面板罩。Fixed three-panel hood.

而且我看见它还有顶兜帽。And I see it has a hood.

他没有戴头罩!He didnt have a hood on!

我们的大脑是罗宾汉。Our brains are Robin Hood.

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汽车的发动机罩已凹了进去。The car hood was dented in.

罗宾汉确有其人吗?Did Robin Hood really exist?

要不要我看看引擎盖下面?Should I look under the hood?

戴红头巾的小女孩的传说THE TALE OF Little Riding Hood

杀鸡取卵领隐藏罩。Banded collar with hidden hood.

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现在,在底层?Now, really underneath the hood?

可拆卸人造毛皮装饰罩。Removable faux fur trim on hood.

这辆婴儿车上的折叠式布篷被收了下来。The pram had its hood folded down.

使用机器人手臂打开发动机盖。Use the robot arms to open the hood.

他昨天穿了一件带风帽的大衣。He worn a coat with a hood yesterday.

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低着头带着兜帽。Keep your head down and your hood up.

他们出售UL认证袋有没有遮光罩。They sell UL bags there with no hood.

一辆着车篷的婴儿车。A pram which had its hood folded down.