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夏雪冰冷的打断龙粼的话,愤恨的瞪着他。If the summer snow iciness intervene Long Lin, the inflame hates of stare him.

就像我刚才写我的要迟到的短信,iphone的冰冷加深了我的反感。As I composed my running-late text, the iPhone’s iciness deepened my revulsion.

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对于气血虚,有手脚冰冷症的人,更要注意调补。For gas hemopenia, iciness of disease, should pay attention to adjusting and mending.

谁知,次日惨剧发生——明熙被杀,呈现在众人面前的是一具冰冷的尸体。Who knows, morrow tragic happens -- Ming Xi is killed, present the body that before everybody is an iciness.

那团外表冰冷其实炙热的火焰终于有第一团回归了丹田。The that regiment outward outward iciness in fact baking hot flame finally had premier regiment regression pubic region.

而腰是肾之府,肾以温为补,经常搓一搓腰部,可以很好地改善手脚冰冷症。But the government is kidney waist, kidney, often with temperature to rub a waist, can rub well improve iciness of disease.

按摩涌泉、百会、足三里等穴位,经常做做按摩,或用艾条灸一灸,可以帮助改善手脚冰冷症。Massage springs, 100 mile, will often do massage acupuncture, etc, or use moxa sticks a hub, can help improve the iciness of disease.

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由起子默默地看着京美的眼睛,四目交接,迸裂出冰冷的火花。Eyes that are silently looking at city the United States by the screwdriver, four eyes hand over to answer and split a spark of iciness.

小祢一双眼睛恶狠狠地瞪着她,仿佛有乌黑冰冷的烈焰在其中燃烧。Small Ni a pair of eyes Be bad to ruthlessly stare her, emulate the blazing flame that the Buddha has spurt black iciness therein burnable.

尽管中日政治冷淡,大学之间却迫不及待的要建立孔子研究会。Despite the iciness of official relations between China and Japan, universities there are falling over each other to set up the next institute.

眼看一掌就要直直挥上,几声呼喝传来,差个三寸就要帖上那一动不动的冰冷俊容时,停下了。Seeing a Zhang ambition keep flicking up, several voices bawl at to spread, bad 3 inches ambition up that on every occasion of when the iciness is handsome to permit stop next.