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他必须善加利用机会,否则他必定毁灭。He must make the proper use of his opportunities or he will infallibly perish.

退化器官可以确定无误地表示出久以失去的构造的性质。Rudimentary organs will speak infallibly with respect to the nature of long-lost structures.

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我们怎样才能确保对福音的故事是一个历史记录的准确和无误?How can we be sure the gospel story is an accurate and infallibly recorded historical account?

当利率上升时,这样一种人的支出几乎无疑问地会减少。When the rate of interest rise, such a person's expenditure must almost infallibly be reduced.

一个能力中等却刻苦勤奋的人,如果孜孜不倦地搞一门研究,最后也能取得巨大的成就。A mind of moderate capacity, which closely pursued one study must infallibly arrive at great proficiency in that study.

如果你真有这些优点,他们肯定会被别人发现,不必你亲自指出,而这样对你更有利。If they are real, they will infallibly be discovered, without your pointing them out yourself, and with much more advantage.

总之,可以这样说,它睡着也在前进,因为人们发现它成长了。Progress infallibly awakes, and, in short, we may say that it marches on, even when it is asleep, for it has increased in size.

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我们在一起总是嘻嘻哈哈的,我怎么也抹不掉这个印象,弗雷德里克只能无奈地背着背包跑下台去。The many laughs we have had together would infallibly come across me, and Frederick and his knapsack would be obliged to run away.

穿着制服的警察,军队,公务员无处不在,所有人都是绝对的礼貌绝对的热心,但是如此森严的安保措施难免让人感到不舒服。Police, army and civilians in uniform are everywhere.All are infallibly polite and helpful, but the heavy security presence can be unnerving.

如果FDA禁止电子卷烟,那么绝望地寻找传统卷烟替代品的吸烟者肯定将创建一个黑市。Smokers desperate search for an alternative to traditional cigarettes will infallibly create a black market if the FDA bans electronic cigarettes.

揣测一个人的主要兴趣,以言语要求他,以诱惑促其行动,他必为你所用。First guess a man's ruling passion, appeal to it by a word, set it in motion by temptation, and you will infallibly give chechmate to his freedom of will.

揣测一个人的主要兴趣,以言语要求他,以诱惑促其行动,他必为你所用。First guess a man's ruling passion, appeal to it by a word, set it in motion by temptation, and you will infallibly give checkmate to his freedom of will.

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他必须准确无误地分辩出哪些是出于必要而黏在报春花上面的小小粪土块,哪些是为了虚张声势而有意涂抹在报春花上面的污泥。He must distinguish infallibly between the little clod of manure , which sticks to the crocus of necessity, and that which is plastered to it out of bravado.

任何确实的实验都说明,任何一种生理或心理的疾病都能靠吃素和喝纯水而减轻病情。There is no disease, bodily or mental, which adoption of vegetable diet and pure water has not infallibly mitigated, wherever the experiment has been fairly tried.

这本书准确无误地指导每一个食谱,从购买和处理生的食材到最后制成精致的糕点的每一个必要的步骤。It leads the book infallibly from the buying and handling of raw ingredients, through each essential step of a recipe, to the final creation of a delicate confection.

这本书精准地指导烹饪者如何购买并处理食材,如何从食谱上最基本的步骤开始直至最终做出精美的菜肴。It leads the cook infallibly from the buying and handling of raw ingredients, through each essential step of a recipe, to the final creation of a delicate confection.

因而这些起义的人把全部注意力都集中在大街垒方面,这儿显然是时时受到威胁、也必然是要再次争夺的地方。The insurgents' whole attention had been directed, therefore, to the grand barricade, which was, evidently, the spot always menaced, and there the struggle would infallibly recommence.