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找一份薪水好的轻松活不容易。2。她突然透露她仍是单身。She said all of a sudden that she was still live by bachelorhood.

几年来,我都过着一种隐退的波西米亚式的独身生活。For a couple of years, I retreated into a life of bohemian bachelorhood.

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单身,有时不一定是贵族。单身也许会比较自由但也比较寂寞。Bachelorhood , sometimes, is not noble but maybe more liberal than loneliness.

这种极端行为为他赢得了片刻喘息,但不久之后,他们便恢复了对他单身生活的数落。His extreme reaction won him a brief respite, but they soon resumed their nagging about his bachelorhood.

因为每一个女子都不能忍受她的丈夫之有另外的女人﹐所以他一直保持著单身的身份。Since no woman could stand the situation of her husband's keeping another woman, his bachelorhood was safe.

因为每一个女子都不能忍受她的丈夫有另外的女人,所以任桑晓一直保持着单身的身份。Since no woman could stand the situation of the husband's keeping another woman, his bachelorhood was safe.

我真的对这些男人感到抱歉。真的很令人伤心,他们的下半生将过上单身生活。I feel sorry for those men. It's really sad that they've resigned to bachelorhood for the rest of their lives.

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他表示很满意现在自己单身的身分,直说单身很好!结婚还早!He stated that he is very satisfied with his bachelorhood status and it is still early to think about marriage!

饮食和单身是近来研究的两个课题,引发了人们关于单身是否对身体有益的讨论。Food and singledom is the subject of two recent studies that come down on either side of whether or not bachelorhood does a body good.

11月11日是中国的“光棍节”,它表面上起源于大学生为单身男女进行的庆祝活动,如今已经被阿里巴巴变成了一座网购富矿。Singles'Day, heldon November 11 every year in China, ostensibly sprang from a university student celebration of male and female bachelorhood.

但是“男人就是男人”的活动,使得一个承诺在身的男人觉得很自在,单身生活的自由会吸引他更长久保持这种状态。Although boys-will-be-boys, bonding time helps a committed man feel less, well, trapped, the appeals of bachelorhood may make him long to be a free agent.

意思就是罗马历史中公元前400年,当时新郎分发核桃给他的老友以示向自己的单身告别。There is reference to rice throwing in Roman history, in about 400 B. C. Then, a bridegroom would "say" goodbye to his bachelorhood by distributing walnuts to his "old" friends.