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他两手冷得象冰.Her hands as icy cold.

有一只落进了冰的海水里!One fell into the icy sea!

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爱使冷硬的心变软。Love soften the icy hearts.

道路结冰时要缓慢地刹车。When it's icy brake gently.

巴勒斯打破了互不友好的沉默。Barras broken the icy silence.

把沙撒在冰封的路上。Sprinkle sand along the icy path.

她住在北国冰城。She lives in an icy northern city.

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他在及膝深的冰冷的水中跋涉。He went knee-deep in the icy water.

冰冷的风直吹向我。The icy wind blew right through me.

她倒栽葱掉进了冰冷的水池中。She fell headlong into the icy pool.

用于铺在冰冷的通道上猫砂或者是沙土。cat litter or sand for icy walkways.

他沿着结冰的路撒砂子.He sprinkled sand along the icy path.

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过有冰的路面时抓牢我的胳膊。Hold on to my arm on this icy surface.

我们的汽车在多冰的路上慢慢滑行。Our car was slithered on the icy roads.

别着急,汤姆。路太滑了。Take it easy, Tom. The road is too icy.

一杯冰凉的隔夜旧茶。A cup icy cold is overnight old the tea.

哦!对方竟举起了冰冻百威啤酒!Oh, they hold up the icy cold Budweiser!

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他们被冰冷的水浇透了。They were getting drenched by icy water.

他们在积水溜滑的人行道上撒了灰。其实笔记。They sprinkled ashes on the icy sidewalk.

覆盖着冰的路面对驾驶汽车的人是个危险的隐患。Icy roads are a hidden danger to motorists.